Example: Using ESLint to automatically migrate to a new TypeScript version

Our goal for this campaign is to convert all TypeScript code synced to our Sourcegraph instance to make use of new TypeScript features. To do this we convert the code, then update the TypeScript version.

To convert the code we install and run ESLint with the desired typescript-eslint rules, using the --fix flag to automatically fix problems. We then update the TypeScript version using yarn upgrade.

The first thing we need is a Docker container in which we can freely install and run ESLint. Here is the Dockerfile:

FROM node:12-alpine3.10
CMD package_json_bkup=$(mktemp) && \
  cp package.json $package_json_bkup && \
  yarn -s --non-interactive --pure-lockfile --ignore-optional --ignore-scripts --ignore-engines --ignore-platform --no-progress && \
  yarn add --ignore-workspace-root-test --non-interactive --ignore-optional --ignore-scripts --ignore-engines --ignore-platform --pure-lockfile -D @typescript-eslint/parser @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin --no-progress eslint && \
  node_modules/.bin/eslint \
  --fix \
  --plugin @typescript-eslint \
  --parser @typescript-eslint/parser \
  --parser-options '{"ecmaVersion": 8, "sourceType": "module", "project": "tsconfig.json"}' \
  --rule '@typescript-eslint/prefer-optional-chain: 2' \
  --rule '@typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-type-assertion: 2' \
  --rule '@typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-type-arguments: 2' \
  --rule '@typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-condition: 2' \
  --rule '@typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-type-arguments: 2' \
  --rule '@typescript-eslint/prefer-includes: 2' \
  --rule '@typescript-eslint/prefer-readonly: 2' \
  --rule '@typescript-eslint/prefer-string-starts-ends-with: 2' \
  --rule '@typescript-eslint/prefer-nullish-coalescing: 2' \
  --rule '@typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion: 2' \
  '**/*.ts'; \
  mv $package_json_bkup package.json; \
  rm -rf node_modules; \
  yarn upgrade --latest --ignore-workspace-root-test --non-interactive --ignore-optional --ignore-scripts --ignore-engines --ignore-platform --no-progress typescript && \
  rm -rf node_modules

When turned into an image and run as a container, the instructions in this Dockerfile will do the following:

  1. Copy the current package.json to a backup location so that we can install ESLint without changes to the original package.json
  2. Install all dependencies & add eslint with the typescript-eslint plugin
  3. Run eslint --fix with a set of TypeScript rules to detect and fix problems over all *.ts files
  4. Restore the original package.json from its backup location
  5. Run yarn upgrade to update the typescript version

Before we can run it as an action we need to turn it into a Docker image, by running the following command in the directory where the Dockerfile was saved:

docker build -t eslint-fix-action .

That builds a Docker image and names it eslint-fix-action.

Once that is done we're ready to define our action:

  "scopeQuery": "repohasfile:yarn\\.lock repohasfile:tsconfig\\.json",
  "steps": [
      "type": "docker",
      "image": "eslint-fix-action"

The "scopeQuery" ensures that the action will only be run over repositories containing both a yarn.lock and a tsconfig.json file. This narrows the scope down to only the TypeScript projects in which we can use yarn to install dependencies. Feel free to narrow it down further by using more filters, such as repo:my-project-name to only run over repositories that have my-project-name in their name.

The action only has a single step to execute in each repository: it runs the Docker container we just built (called eslint-fix-action) on the machine on which src is executed.

Save that definition in a file called eslint-fix-typescript.action.json and we're ready to execute it.

First we make sure that we match all the repositories we want:

src actions scope-query -f eslint-fix-typescript.action.json

If that list looks good, we're ready to execute the action:

src actions exec -f eslint-fix-typescript.action.json | src campaign patchset create-from-patches

You should now see that the Docker container we built is being executed in a local, temporary copy of each repository.

After executing, the patches it produced will be turned into a patch set you can preview on our Sourcegraph instance.

Caching dependencies across multiple steps using cacheDirs

If you find yourself writing an action definition that relies on a project's dependencies to be installed for every step it can be helpful to cache these dependencies in a directory outside of the repository.

For "docker" steps you can use the cacheDirs attribute:

  "scopeQuery": "repohasfile:package.json",
  "steps": [
      "type": "docker",
      "image": "yarn-install-dependencies",
      "cacheDirs": [ "/cache" ]
      "type": "docker",
      "image": "eslint-fix-action",
      "cacheDirs": [ "/cache" ]
      "type": "docker",
      "image": "upgrade-typescript",
      "cacheDirs": [ "/cache" ]

This defines three separate steps that all use the same "cacheDirs". The specified directory "/cache" will be created on the machine on which src is executing in a temporary location and mounted in each of the three containers under /cache.

As an example, here is the first part of Dockerfile that makes use of this /cache directory when installing dependencies with yarn:

FROM node:12-alpine3.10
VOLUME /cache
CMD yarn -s --non-interactive --pure-lockfile --ignore-optional --ignore-scripts --ignore-engines --ignore-platform --no-progress

# [...]

This uses /cache as the YARN_CACHE_FOLDER and NPM_CONFIG_CACHE folder. It installs the dependencies with yarn, thus populating the /cache folder.

Subsequent action steps that use this preamble in their Dockerfile will run faster because they can leverage the cache folder.