Docker Single Container Deployment
The Docker Single Container deployment type is a way to very quickly get an instance of Sourcegraph set up locally to experiment with many of its features. However, it is not recommended for a production instance, and has limitations depending on the OS you are deploying to, as well as the associated resources. See the troubleshooting section for additional information.
Code Insights is not supported in Single Container deployments. To try Code Insights you must deploy using Docker Compose or Kubernetes. Tracing is disabled by default, and if you intend to enable it, you will have to deploy and configure the OpenTelemetry Collector. The Single Container deployment does not ship with this service included. It is strongly recommended to use one of the aforementioned deployment methods if tracing support is a requirement.
It takes less than a minute to run and install Sourcegraph using Docker:
docker run --publish 7080:7080 --publish --rm --volume ~/.sourcegraph/config:/etc/sourcegraph --volume ~/.sourcegraph/data:/var/opt/sourcegraph sourcegraph/server:6.1.5633SHELL
Once the server is ready (logo is displayed in the terminal), navigate to the hostname or IP address on port 7080
. Create the admin account, then you'll be guided through setting up Sourcegraph for code searching and navigation.
For next steps and further configuration options, review the high-level configuration items below, or visit the detailed configuration documentation.
WARNING: We do not recommend using this method for a production instance. If deploying a production instance, see our recommendations for how to choose a deployment type that suits your needs. We recommend Docker Compose for most initial production deployments.
Configure exposed Sourcegraph port
Change the docker
argument to make it listen on the specific interface and port on your host machine. For example, docker run ... --publish ...
would make it accessible on port 80 of your machine. For more information, see "Publish or expose port" in the Docker documentation.
The other option is to deploy and run Sourcegraph on a cloud provider. For an example, see the cloud installation section.
Git configuration and authentication
For single-container environments, upon the Sourcegraph Docker image container start, it copies all files from /etc/sourcegraph/{ssh,gitconfig,netrc}
into its own $HOME
directory, via the --volume /mnt/sourcegraph/config:/etc/sourcegraph
in the docker run
For example, to mount a .gitconfig
, create a file /mnt/sourcegraph/config/gitconfig
on your host containing your configuration:
SHELL# example .gitconfig [url ""] insteadOf = "ssh://"
Alternatively you can create a new Docker image which inherits from Sourcegraph and then mutates the environment:
FROM sourcegraph/server:6.1.5633 COPY gitconfig /etc/gitconfig COPY ssh /root/.ssh RUN find /root/.ssh -type f -exec chmod 600 '{}' ';' RUN find /root/.ssh -type d -exec chmod 700 '{}' ';'DOCKERFILE
This approach can also be used for sourcegraph/gitserver
images in cluster environments.
Learn more about Git configuration and authentication.
SSH authentication (config, keys, The container consults its own file system (in the standard locations) for SSH configuration, private keys, and known_hosts
. Upon container start, it copies all files from /etc/sourcegraph/ssh
into its own $HOME/.ssh
To provide SSH authentication configuration to the container, assuming you're using the default --volume $HOME/.sourcegraph/config:/etc/sourcegraph
, follow these steps:
- Create files at
, etc., on the host machine as desired to configure SSH. - Start (or restart) the container.
To configure the container to use the same SSH as your user account on the host machine, you can also run cp -R $HOME/.ssh $HOME/.sourcegraph/config/ssh
HTTP(S) authentication via netrc
The easiest way to specify HTTP(S) authentication for repositories is to include the username and password in the clone URL itself, such as
. These credentials won't be displayed to non-admin users.
Otherwise, the container consults the $HOME/.netrc
files on its own file system for HTTP(S) authentication. The .netrc
file is a standard way to specify authentication used to connect to external hosts.
To provide HTTP(S) authentication, assuming you're using the default --volume $HOME/.sourcegraph/config:/etc/sourcegraph
, follow these steps:
- Create a file at
on the host machine that contains lines of the formmachine login alice password mypassword
, andmypassword
with the actual values). - Start (or restart) the container.
Expose debug port
This is required to collect debug data.
The docker run command for single-container Sourcegraph needs an additional publish flag to expose the debug port:
$ docker run --publish 7080:7080 --publish --publish --rm --volume ~/.sourcegraph/config:/etc/sourcegraph --volume ~/.sourcegraph/data:/var/opt/sourcegraph sourcegraph/server:6.1.5633SH
If Sourcegraph is deployed to a remote server, then access via an SSH tunnel using a tool
such as sshuttle is required to establish a secure connection.
To access the remote server using sshuttle
from your local machine:
SH$ sshuttle -r user@host 0/0
Environment variables
Add the following to your docker run command:
$ docker run [...] -e (YOUR CODE) sourcegraph/server:6.1.5633SH
Access the database
NOTE: To execute an SQL query against the database without first creating an interactive session (as below), append
--command "SELECT * FROM users;"
to thedocker container exec
Get the Docker container ID for Sourcegraph:
SH$ docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE d039ec989761 sourcegraph/server:VERSION
Open a PostgreSQL interactive terminal:
SH$ docker container exec -it d039ec989761 psql -U postgres sourcegraph
Run your SQL query:
Postgresql 16
Warning: The 5.11 release updates the database container images from Postgres 12 to Postgres 16. Customers are advised to have a database backup before upgrading! See our postgres 12 end of life notice!
From sourcegraph version 5.11 onwards, the Sourcegraph single container Docker image uses Postgresql 16. Upgrading from Postgresql 12 to Postgresql 16 is a manual process, that is similar to the one outlined below for multi-version upgrades, but migrator has been merged into the container, allowing for a simpler upgrade.
NOTE: It is highly recommended to take an up-to-date snapshot of your databases prior to starting a multi-version upgrade. The upgrade process aggressively mutates the shape and contents of your database, and undiscovered errors in the migration process or unexpected environmental differences may cause an unusable instance or data loss.
We recommend performing the entire upgrade procedure on an idle clone of the production instance and switch traffic over on success, if possible. This may be low-effort for installations with a canary environment or a blue/green deployment strategy.
If you do not feel confident running this process solo, contact customer support team to help guide you thorough the process.
Before performing a multi-version upgrade:
- Read our update policy to learn about Sourcegraph updates.
- Find the entries that apply to the version range you're passing through in the update notes for Sourcegraph with Docker Single Container.
- You must first shutdown the container instance via
docker stop [CONTAINER]
. - Start a temporary Postgres container on top of the Postgres data directory used by the old
image. You must use the new postgresql-16-codeinsights image, which is based on the new Postgresql 16 image, and provides an automatic upgrade script to move from Postgresql 12 to Postgresql 16.
docker run --rm -it -v ~/.sourcegraph/data/postgresql:/data/pgdata-12 -e POSTGRES_USER=postgres -p 5432:5432 sourcegraph/postgresql-16-codeinsights:6.1.5633
- Once that temporary container marks that Postgresql has started, the migration is complete and you can stop the temporary container.
- Start the new
docker run --publish 7080:7080 --publish --rm --volume ~/.sourcegraph/config:/etc/sourcegraph --volume ~/.sourcegraph/data:/var/opt/sourcegraph sourcegraph/server:6.1.5633
You now have a single server Sourcegraph container image running on Postgresql 16.
Standard upgrades
A standard upgrade occurs between two minor versions of Sourcegraph. If you are looking to jump forward several versions, you must perform a multi-version upgrade instead.
Before upgrading:
- Read our update policy to learn about Sourcegraph updates.
- Find the relevant entry for your update in the update notes for single-container Sourcegraph with Docker.
To update, just use the newer sourcegraph/server:N.N.N
Docker image (where N.N.N
is a patch or single minor release away your current version) in place of the older one, using the same Docker volumes. Your server's data will be migrated automatically if needed. You can always find the version number details of the latest release via the technical changelog.
Multi-version upgrades
NOTE: It is no longer necessary to run Migrator outside of the single instance container. Migrator is now built into the container, and will be run via the
image.We still recommend performing the entire upgrade procedure on an idle clone of the production instance and switch traffic over on success, if possible. This may be low-effort for installations with a canary environment or a blue/green deployment strategy.
The below docs are kept for posterity for users on older versions of Sourcegraph that are looking to upgrade or run the migrator tool.
To update, just use the newer sourcegraph/server:N.N.N
Docker image in place of the older one, using the same Docker volumes. Your server's data will be migrated automatically if needed. You can always find the version number details of the latest release via the technical changelog.
(Legacy) Multi-version upgrades
A multi-version upgrade is a downtime-incurring upgrade from version 3.20 or later to any future version. Multi-version upgrades will run both schema and data migrations to ensure the data available from the instance remains available post-upgrade.
NOTE: It is highly recommended to take an up-to-date snapshot of your databases prior to starting a multi-version upgrade. The upgrade process aggressively mutates the shape and contents of your database, and undiscovered errors in the migration process or unexpected environmental differences may cause an unusable instance or data loss.
We recommend performing the entire upgrade procedure on an idle clone of the production instance and switch traffic over on success, if possible. This may be low-effort for installations with a canary environment or a blue/green deployment strategy.
If you do not feel confident running this process solo, contact customer support team to help guide you thorough the process.
Before performing a multi-version upgrade:
- Read our update policy to learn about Sourcegraph updates.
- Find the entries that apply to the version range you're passing through in the update notes for Sourcegraph with Docker Single Container.
To perform a multi-version upgrade on a Sourcegraph instance running on Docker Single Container:
- Stop the running Sourcegraph container via
docker stop [CONTAINER]
. - Start a temporary Postgres container on top of the Postgres data directory used by the old
image. This Postgres instance will be used by the following upgrade migration. If using an external database, the database is already accessible from themigrator
so no action is needed. Otherwise, start the new Postgres container by following the steps described below. - Follow the instructions on how to run the migrator job in Docker to perform the upgrade migratiohn. For specific documentation on the
command, see the command documentation. The following specific steps are an easy way to run the upgrade command:
SH$ docker run \ --rm \ --name migrator_${SG_VERSION} \ -e PGHOST='pgsql' \ -e PGPORT='5432' \ -e PGUSER='sg' \ -e PGPASSWORD='sg' \ -e PGDATABASE='sourcegraph' \ -e PGSSLMODE='disable' \ -e CODEINTEL_PGHOST='pgsql' \ -e CODEINTEL_PGPORT='5432' \ -e CODEINTEL_PGUSER='sg' \ -e CODEINTEL_PGPASSWORD='sg' \ -e CODEINTEL_PGDATABASE='sourcegraph-codeintel' \ -e CODEINTEL_PGSSLMODE='disable' \ -e CODEINSIGHTS_PGHOST='pgsql' \ -e CODEINSIGHTS_PGPORT='5432' \ -e CODEINSIGHTS_PGUSER='postgres' \ -e CODEINSIGHTS_PGPASSWORD='password' \ -e CODEINSIGHTS_PGDATABASE='postgres' \ -e CODEINSIGHTS_PGSSLMODE='disable' \ -e CODEINTEL_PG_ALLOW_SINGLE_DB=true \ sourcegraph/migrator:v${SG_VERSION} \ upgrade --from=${CURRENT_SG_VERSION} --to=${SG_VERSION}
It is recommended to also add the --dry-run
flag on a trial invocation to detect if there are any issues with database connection, schema drift, or mismatched versions that need to be addressed.
After this container exits successfully, the remaining infrastructure can now be updated. All temporary containers can be stopped, and the Docker invocation for your sourcegraph/server
container can be updated to use the new target version.
Running temporary Postgres containers
Mounting a Postgres container on top of the data directory used by sourcegraph/server
will allow us to access and migrate the data in-place without having running services interfere.
Let ${PATH}
be the directory mounted into /var/opt/sourcegraph
of your instance. This mount contains the Postgres data directory inside of the container.
For example, ${PATH}
is ~/.sourcegraph/data
in -v ~/.sourcegraph/data:/var/opt/sourcegraph
SH$ docker run --rm -it \ -v ${PATH}/postgresql:/data/pgdata-12 \ -u 70 \ -p 5432:5432 \ --entrypoint bash \ sourcegraph/${PG_VERSION_TAG}:${SG_VERSION} \ -c 'echo "host all all trust" >> /data/pgdata-12/pg_hba.conf && postgres -c l listen_addresses="*" -D /data/pgdata-12'
The version of this Postgres container is dependent on the version of the instance prior to upgrade.
3.20.X - 3.29.X | postgres-12.6 |
3.30.X - 3.37.X | postgres-12.6-alpine |
3.38.X - 5.9.X | postgres-12-alpine |
5.10.X - | postgresql-16 |
If you get stuck or need help, file an issue, tweet (@sourcegraph) or email.
Mac Computers with Apple silicon
On Mac computers with Apple silicon, you’ll need to add an extra --platform linux/amd64
argument to your Docker command for correctly running and installing Sourcegraph.
File system performance on Docker for Mac
There is a known issue in Docker for Mac that causes slower than expected file system performance on volume mounts, which impacts the performance of search and cloning.
To achieve better performance, you can do any of the following:
- For better clone performance, clone the repository on your host machine and then add it to Sourcegraph Server.
- Try adding the
suffix the data volume mount. Learn more.SH--volume ~/.sourcegraph/data:/var/opt/sourcegraph:delegated
Testing Sourcegraph on Windows
Sourcegraph can be tested on Windows 10 using roughly the same steps provided above, but data will not be retained after server restarts (this is due to a limitation of Docker on Windows).
- Install Docker for Windows
- Using a command prompt, follow the same installation steps provided above but remove the
arguments. For example by pasting this:
docker run --publish 7080:7080 --publish --rm sourcegraph/server:6.1.5633
Low resource environments
To test Sourcegraph in a low resource environment you may want to disable some of the observability tools (Prometheus and Grafana).
to your docker run command.
Starting in Postgres restore mode
In order to restore a Postgres backup, you need to start on an empty database and prevent all other Sourcegraph services from starting.
You can do this by adding -e PGRESTORE=true
to your docker run
command. This will start only the Postgres system and allow you to perform a restore. Once it is done, remove that parameter from your docker command.
The database is only accessible from within the container. To perform a restore you will need to copy the required files to the container and then execute the restore commands from within the container using docker exec
You can find examples of this procedure for docker-compose
in our docker-compose migration docs.
Special instructions for RHEL, Fedora, CentOS and others
If you run Docker on an OS such as RHEL, Fedora, or CentOS with SELinux enabled, sVirt doesn't allow the Docker process to access ~/.sourcegraph/config
and ~/.sourcegraph/data
. In that case, you will see the following message:
Failed to setup nginx:failed to generate nginx configuration to /etc/sourcegraph: open /etc/sourcegraph/nginx.conf: permission denied
To fix this, run:
mkdir -p ~/.sourcegraph/config ~/.sourcegraph/data && chcon -R -t svirt_sandbox_file_t ~/.sourcegraph/config ~/.sourcegraph/data
Cloud installation guides
Cloud specific Sourcegraph installation guides for AWS, Google Cloud and Digital Ocean.
- Install Sourcegraph with Docker on AWS
- Install Sourcegraph with Docker on Google Cloud
- Install Sourcegraph with Docker on DigitalOcean
Insiders build
To test new development builds of Sourcegraph (triggered by commits to main
), change the tag to insiders
in the docker run
builds may be unstable, so back up Sourcegraph's data and config (usually~/.sourcegraph
) beforehand.
SH$ docker run --publish 7080:7080 --rm --volume ~/.sourcegraph/config:/etc/sourcegraph --volume ~/.sourcegraph/data:/var/opt/sourcegraph sourcegraph/server:insiders
To keep this up to date, run docker pull sourcegraph/server:insiders
to pull in the latest image, and restart the container to access new changes.