
Automation is currently available in private beta for select enterprise customers.

Sourcegraph automation allows large-scale code changes across many repositories and different code hosts.

Important: If you're on Sourcegraph 3.12 or older, you might also want to look at the old documentation: "Automation documentation for Sourcegraph 3.12"


In order to use the Automation preview, a site-admin of your Sourcegraph instance must enable it in the site configuration settings e.g.

  "experimentalFeatures": {
      "automation": "enabled"

Without any further configuration Automation is only be accessible to site-admins. If you want to grant read-only access to non-site-admins, use the following site configuration setting:

  "automation.readAccess.enabled": true


There are two types of Automation campaigns:

  • Manual campaigns to which you can manually add changesets (pull requests) and track their progress.
  • Campaigns created from a set of patches. With the src CLI tool you can not only create the campaign from an existing set of patches, but you can also generate the patches for a number of repositories.

Creating a manual campaign

  1. Go to /campaigns on your Sourcegraph instance and click on the "New campaign" button
  2. Fill in a name for the campaign and a description
  3. Create the campaign
  4. Track changesets by adding them to the campaign through the form on the Campaign page

Creating a campaign from a set of patches

Required: The src CLI tool. Make sure it is setup to point at your Sourcegraph instance by setting the SRC_ENDPOINT environment variable.

Short overview:

  1. Create an action.json file that contains an action definition.
  2. Optional: See repositories the action would run over: src actions scope-query -f action.json
  3. Create a set of patches by executing the action over repositories: src actions exec -f action.json > patches.json
  4. Save the patches in Sourcegraph by creating a campaign plan based on these patches: src campaign plan create-from-patches < patches.json
  5. Create a campaign from the campaign plan: src campaigns create -branch=<branch-name> -plan=<plan-ID-returned-by-previous-command>

Read on for the longer version.

Note about scalability: the patches are generated on the machine on which the src CLI tool is being run. That means archives of the repositories in a campaign have to be downloaded from your Sourcegraph instance to the local machine. We're working on remote execution of campaign actions. For now feel free to use a bigger machine, possibly closer to your Sourcegraph instance so that downloading archives of repositories is faster, and use the -j parameter to tune the number of parallel jobs being executed.

Defining an action

The first thing we need is a definition of an "action". An action is what produces a patch and describes what commands or Docker containers to run over which repositories.

Note: At the moment only two "type"s of steps are supported: "docker" and "command". See src actions exec -help for more information.

Here is an example defintion of an action:

  "scopeQuery": "repo:go-*",
  "steps": [
      "type": "command",
      "args": ["sh", "-c", "echo '# Installation' >"]
      "type": "command",
      "args": ["sed", "-i", "", "s/No install instructions/See", ""]
      "type": "docker",
      "dockerfile": "FROM alpine:3 \n CMD find /work -iname '*.md' -type f | xargs -n 1 sed -i s/this/that/g"
      "type": "docker",
      "image": "golang:1.13-alpine",
      "args": ["go", "fix", "/work/..."]

This action runs over every repository that has go- in its name and doesn't have an file.

The first step, a "command" step, creates an file in the root directory of each repository by running sh in a temporary copy of each repository. This is executed on the machine on which src is being run. Note that the first element in "args" is the command itself.

The second step, again a "command" step, runs the sed command to replace text in the file in the root of each repository (the -i '' argument is only necessary for BSD versions of sed that usually come with macOS). Please note that the executed command is simply sed which means its arguments are not expanded, as they would be in a shell. To achieve that, execute the sed as part of a shell invocation (using sh -c and passing in a single argument, for example, like in the first step).

The third step builds a Docker image from the specified "dockerfile" and starts a container with this image in which the repository is mounted under /work.

The fourth step pulls the golang:1.13-alpine image from Docker hub, starts a container from it and runs go fix /work/... in it.

As you can see from these examples, the "output" of an action is the modified, local copy of a repository.

Save that definition in a file called action.json (or any other name of your choosing).

Executing an action to produce patches

With our action defined we can now execute it:

$ src actions exec -f action.json

This command is going to:

  1. Download or build the required Docker images, if necessary.
  2. Download a ZIP archive of the repositories matched by the "scopeQuery" from the Sourcegraph instance to a local temporary directory in /tmp.
  3. Execute the action in each repository in parallel (the maximum number of parallel jobs can be configured with -j, the default is number of cores on the machine), with each step in an action being executed sequentially on the same copy of a repository. If a step in an action is of type "command" the command will be executed in the temporary directory that contains the copy of the repository. If the type is "docker" then a container will be launched in which the repository is mounted under /work.
  4. Produce a diff for each repository between a fresh copy of the repository's contents and directory in which the action ran.

The output can either be saved into a file by redirecting it:

$ src actions exec -f action.json > patches.json

Or it can be piped straight into the next command we're going to use to save the patches on the Sourcegraph instance:

$ src actions exec -f action.json | src campaign plan create-from-patches

Creating a campaign plan from patches

The next step is to save the set of patches on the Sourcegraph instance so they can be run together as a campaign.

To do that we use the following command:

$ src campaign plan create-from-patches < patches.json

Or, again, pipe the patches directly into it.

When the command successfully ran, it will print a URL with which you can preview the changesets that would be created on the codehosts, or a command for the src tool to create a campaign from the campaign plan.

Creating a campaign

If you're happy with the campaign plan and its patches, it's time to create changesets (pull requests) on the code hosts by creating a campaign:

$ src campaigns create -name='My campaign name' \
   -desc='My first CLI-created campaign' \
   -plan=Q2FtcGFpZ25QbGFuOjg= \

This will create a campaign on the Sourcegraph instance and asychronously create a pull request for each patch on the code hosts on which the repositories are hosted. Check progress by opening the campaign on your Sourcegraph instance.

The -branch flag specifies the branch name that will be used for the pull requests. If a branch with that name already exists in a repository a fallback will be generated for the repository by appending a counter at the end of the name, e.g.: my-first-campaign-1.

If you have $EDITOR configured you can use the configured editor to edit the name and Markdown description of the campaign:

$ src campaigns create -plan=Q2FtcGFpZ25QbGFuOjg= -branch=my-first-campaign

A campaign can be created as a draft either by adding the -draft flag to the src campaign create command or by selecting Create draft in the web UI. When a campaign is a draft, no changesets will be created until the campaign is published or the changeset is individually published. This can be done in the campaign web interface.

Updating a campaign

There is also the option of applying a new campaign plan to an existing campaign. Following the creation of the campaign plan with the src campaign plan create-from-patches command, an URL will be printed that will guide you to the web interface that allows you to change an existing campaign's campaign plan.

On this page, click "Preview" for the campaign that will be updated. From there, the delta of existing and new changesets will be displayed. Click "Update" to finalize these proposed changes.

Edits to the name and description of a campaign can also be made on the web interface. These changes are then reflected in the changesets by updating them the code hosts. The branch of a draft campaign with a plan can also be edited, but only as long as the campaign doesn't contain any published changesets.

Example: Add a GitHub action to upload LSIF data to Sourcegraph

Our goal for this campaign is to add a GitHub Action that generates and uploads LSIF data to Sourcegraph by adding a .github/workflows/lsif.yml file to each repository that doesn't have it yet.

The first thing we need is the definition of an action that we can execute with the src CLI tool and its src actions exec subcommand.

Here is an action.json file that runs a Docker container based on the Docker image called add-lsif-to-build-pipeline-action in each repository that has a go.mod file, github in its name and no .github/workflows/lsif.yml file:

  "scopeQuery": "repohasfile:go.mod repo:github -repohasfile:.github/workflows/lsif.yml",
  "steps": [
      "type": "docker",
      "image": "add-lsif-to-build-pipeline-action"

Save that as action.json.

In order to build the Docker image, we first need to create a file called github-action-workflow-golang.yml with the following content:

name: LSIF
  - push
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v1
      - name: Generate LSIF data
        uses: sourcegraph/lsif-go-action@master
          verbose: "true"
      - name: Upload LSIF data
        uses: sourcegraph/lsif-upload-action@master
          github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

This is the definition of the GitHub action.

Next we create the Dockerfile:

FROM alpine:3
ADD ./github-action-workflow-golang.yml /tmp/workflows/

CMD mkdir -p .github/workflows && \
  DEST=.github/workflows/lsif.yml; \
  if [ ! -f .github/workflows/lsif.yml ]; then \
    cp /tmp/workflows/github-action-workflow-golang.yml $DEST; \
  else \
    echo Doing nothing because existing LSIF workflow found at $DEST; \

Now we're ready to run the campaign:

  1. Build the Docker image: docker build -t add-lsif-to-build-pipeline-action .
  2. Run the action and create a campaign plan: src actions exec -f action.json | src campaign plan create-from-patches
  3. Follow the printed instructions to create and run the campaign on Sourcegraph

Example: Refactor Go code with Comby

Our goal for this campaign is to simplify Go code by using Comby to rewrite calls to fmt.Sprintf("%d", arg) with strconv.Itoa(:[v]). The semantics are the same, but one more cleanly expresses the intention behind the code.

Note: Learn more about Comby and what it's capable of at

To do that we use two Docker containers. One container launches Comby to rewrite the the code in Go files and the other runs goimports to update the import statements in the updated Go code so that strconv is correctly important and, possibly, fmt is removed.

Here is the action.json file that defines this as an action:

  "scopeQuery": "lang:go fmt.Sprintf",
  "steps": [
      "type": "docker",
      "image": "comby/comby",
      "args": ["-in-place", "fmt.Sprintf(\"%d\", :[v])", "strconv.Itoa(:[v])", "-matcher", ".go", "-d", "/work"]
      "type": "docker",
      "image": "cytopia/goimports",
      "args": ["-w", "/work"]

Please note that the "scopeQuery" makes sure that the repositories over which we run the action all contain Go code in which we have a call to fmt.Sprintf. That narrows the list of repositories down considerably, even though we still need to search through the whole repository with Comby. (We're aware that this is a limitation and are working on improving the workflows involving exact search results.)

Save the defintion in a file, for example go-comby.action.json.

Now we can execute the action and turn it into a campaign:

  1. Make sure that the "scopeQuery" returns the repositories we want to run over: src actions scope-query -f go-comby.action.json
  2. Execute the action and create a campaign plan: src actions exec -f action.json | src campaign plan create-from-patches
  3. Follow the printed instructions to create and run the campaign on Sourcegraph

Example: Use ESLint to automatically migrate to a new TypeScript version

Our goal for this campaign is to convert all TypeScript code synced to our Sourcegraph instance to make use of new TypeScript features. To do this we convert the code, then update the TypeScript version.

To convert the code we install and run ESLint with the desired typescript-eslint rules, using the --fix flag to automatically fix problems. We then update the TypeScript version using yarn upgrade.

The first thing we need is a Docker container in which we can freely install and run ESLint. Here is the Dockerfile:

FROM node:12-alpine3.10
CMD package_json_bkup=$(mktemp) && \
	cp package.json $package_json_bkup && \
	yarn -s --non-interactive --pure-lockfile --ignore-optional --ignore-scripts --ignore-engines --ignore-platform --no-progress && \
	yarn add --ignore-workspace-root-test --non-interactive --ignore-optional --ignore-scripts --ignore-engines --ignore-platform --pure-lockfile -D @typescript-eslint/parser @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin --no-progress eslint && \
	node_modules/.bin/eslint \
	--fix \
	--plugin @typescript-eslint \
	--parser @typescript-eslint/parser \
	--parser-options '{"ecmaVersion": 8, "sourceType": "module", "project": "tsconfig.json"}' \
	--rule '@typescript-eslint/prefer-optional-chain: 2' \
	--rule '@typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-type-assertion: 2' \
	--rule '@typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-type-arguments: 2' \
	--rule '@typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-condition: 2' \
	--rule '@typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-type-arguments: 2' \
	--rule '@typescript-eslint/prefer-includes: 2' \
	--rule '@typescript-eslint/prefer-readonly: 2' \
	--rule '@typescript-eslint/prefer-string-starts-ends-with: 2' \
	--rule '@typescript-eslint/prefer-nullish-coalescing: 2' \
	--rule '@typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion: 2' \
	'**/*.ts'; \
	mv $package_json_bkup package.json; \
	rm -rf node_modules; \
	yarn upgrade --latest --ignore-workspace-root-test --non-interactive --ignore-optional --ignore-scripts --ignore-engines --ignore-platform --no-progress typescript && \
	rm -rf node_modules

When turned into an image and run as a container, the instructions in this Dockerfile will do the following:

  1. Copy the current package.json to a backup location so that we can install ESLint without changes to the original package.json
  2. Install all dependencies & add eslint with the typescript-eslint plugin
  3. Run eslint --fix with a set of TypeScript rules to detect and fix problems over all *.ts files
  4. Restore the original package.json from its backup location
  5. Run yarn upgrade to update the typescript version

Before we can run it as an action we need to turn it into a Docker image, by running the following command in the directory where the Dockerfile was saved:

docker build -t eslint-fix-action .

That builds a Docker image and names it eslint-fix-action.

Once that is done we're ready to define our action:

  "scopeQuery": "repohasfile:yarn\\.lock repohasfile:tsconfig\\.json",
  "steps": [
      "type": "docker",
      "image": "eslint-fix-action"

The "scopeQuery" ensures that the action will only be run over repositories containing both a yarn.lock and a tsconfig.json file. This narrows the scope down to only the TypeScript projects in which we can use yarn to install dependencies. Feel free to narrow it down further by using more filters, such as repo:my-project-name to only run over repositories that have my-project-name in their name.

The action only has a single step to execute in each repository: it runs the Docker container we just built (called eslint-fix-action) on the machine on which src is executed.

Save that definition in a file called eslint-fix-typescript.action.json and we're ready to execute it.

First we make sure that we match all the repositories we want:

src actions scope-query -f eslint-fix-typescript.action.json

If that list looks good, we're ready to execute the action:

src actions exec -timeout 15m -f eslint-fix-typescript.action.json | src campaign plan create-from-patches

Note: we're giving the action a generous timeout of 15 minutes per repository, since it needs to download and install all dependencies. With a still-empty caching directory that might take a few minutes.

You should now see that the Docker container we built is being executed in a local, temporary copy of each repository. After executing, the diff it generated will be turned into a campaign plan you can preview on our Sourcegraph instance.

Caching dependencies across multiple steps using cacheDirs

If you find yourself writing an action definition that relies on a project's dependencies to be installed for every step it can be helpful to cache these dependencies in a directory outside of the repository.

For "docker" steps you can use the cacheDirs attribute:

  "scopeQuery": "repohasfile:package.json",
  "steps": [
      "type": "docker",
      "image": "yarn-install-dependencies",
      "cacheDirs": [ "/cache" ]
      "type": "docker",
      "image": "eslint-fix-action",
      "cacheDirs": [ "/cache" ]
      "type": "docker",
      "image": "upgrade-typescript",
      "cacheDirs": [ "/cache" ]

This defines three separate steps that all use the same "cacheDirs". The specified directory "/cache" will be created on the machine on which src is executing in a temporary location and mounted in each of the three containers under /cache.

As an example, here is the first part of Dockerfile that makes use of this /cache directory when installing dependencies with yarn:

FROM node:12-alpine3.10
VOLUME /cache
CMD yarn -s --non-interactive --pure-lockfile --ignore-optional --ignore-scripts --ignore-engines --ignore-platform --no-progress

# [...]

This uses /cache as the YARN_CACHE_FOLDER and NPM_CONFIG_CACHE folder. It installs the dependencies with yarn, thus populating the /cache folder.

Subsequent action steps that use this preamble in their Dockerfile will run faster because they can leverage the cache folder.

Note for Automation developers

If you are looking to run automation on a larger scale in the local dev environment, follow the guide on automation development.