Telemetry Gateway

This page contains generated documentation for telemetry event data that gets exported to Sourcegraph from individual Sourcegraph instances.

Table of Contents




Field Type Label Description
id string

Generated ID of the event, currently expected to be UUID v4.

timestamp google.protobuf.Timestamp

Timestamp of when the original event was recorded.

feature string

Feature associated with the event in camelCase, e.g. 'myFeature'.

action string

Action associated with the event in camelCase, e.g. 'pageView'.

source EventSource

Source of the event.

parameters EventParameters

Parameters of the event.

user EventUser optional

Optional user associated with the event.

This field should be hydrated by the Sourcegraph server, and not provided

by clients.

feature_flags EventFeatureFlags optional

Optional feature flags configured in the context of the event.

marketing_tracking EventMarketingTracking optional

Optional marketing campaign tracking parameters.

🚨 SECURITY: This metadata is NEVER exported from single-tenant Sourcegraph

instances, and is only exported for events tracked in the public instance and managed services.

interaction EventInteraction optional

Optional metadata identifying the interaction that generated the event.


Field Type Label Description
product string

Billing product ID associated with the event.

category string

Billing category ID the event falls into.


Field Type Label Description
flags EventFeatureFlags.FlagsEntry repeated

Evaluated feature flags. In Soucegraph we currently only support boolean

feature flags, but in the API we allow arbitrary string values for future


This field should be hydrated by the Sourcegraph server, and not provided

by clients.


Field Type Label Description
key string

value string


Field Type Label Description
trace_id string optional

OpenTelemetry trace ID representing the interaction associated with the event.

interaction_id string optional

Custom interaction ID representing the interaction associated with the event.

geolocation EventInteraction.Geolocation optional

Geolocation associated with the interaction, typically inferred from the

originating client's IP address (which we do not collect).


Field Type Label Description
country_code string

Inferred ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 or alpha-3 country code


Marketing campaign tracking metadata.

🚨 SECURITY: This metadata is NEVER exported from single-tenant Sourcegraph instances, and is only exported for events tracked in the public instance and managed services.

Field Type Label Description
url string optional

URL the event occurred on.

first_source_url string optional

Initial URL the user landed on.

cohort_id string optional

Cohort ID to identify the user as part of a specific A/B test.

referrer string optional

Referrer URL that refers the user to Sourcegraph.

last_source_url string optional

Last source URL visited by the user.

device_session_id string optional

Device session ID to identify the user's session.

session_referrer string optional

Session referrer URL for the user.

session_first_url string optional

First URL the user visited in their current session.


Field Type Label Description
version int32

Version of the event parameters, used for indicating the "shape" of this

event's metadata, beginning at 0. Useful for denoting if the shape of

metadata has changed in any way.

legacy_metadata EventParameters.LegacyMetadataEntry repeated

DEPRECATED, legacy metadata format that only accepted int64 - use the new

'metadata' field instead, which accepts float values. Values sent through

this proto field will be merged into the new metadata attributes.

We don't use a [deprecated = true] tag because we use this field to handle

accepting exporters sending metadata in this format.

metadata EventParameters.MetadataEntry repeated

Strictly typed metadata, restricted to integer values to avoid accidentally

exporting sensitive or private data.

private_metadata google.protobuf.Struct optional

Additional potentially sensitive metadata - i.e. not restricted to integer


🚨 SECURITY: This metadata is NOT exported from instances by default, as it

can contain arbitrarily-shaped data that may accidentally contain sensitive

or private contents.

This metadata is only exported on an allowlist basis based on terms of

use agreements and combinations of event feature and action, alongside

careful audit of callsites.

billing_metadata EventBillingMetadata optional

Optional billing-related metadata.


Field Type Label Description
key string

value int64


Field Type Label Description
key string

value double


Field Type Label Description
server EventSource.Server

Information about the server that is publishing the event, based on


client EventSource.Client optional

Information about the client that generated the event.


Field Type Label Description
name string

Source client of the event.

version string optional

Version of the client.


Field Type Label Description
version string

Version of the server emitting the event, corresponding to

RecordEventsRequestMetadata.Identifier. For example, if the Identifier

indicates the publisher is a Sourcegraph instance, the version represents

the version of the Sourcegraph server.


Field Type Label Description
user_id int64 optional

Sourcegraph instance database user ID of the user. User IDs are specific to

a Sourcegraph instance, and are not universal across Sourcegraph instances.

We use an int64 as an ID because in Sourcegraph, database user IDs are

always integers.

anonymous_user_id string optional

Randomized unique identifier representing the user (typically stored in

localstorage in web clients, or similar mechanisms elsewhere). This is

often used for unauthenticated users, but can persist to authenticated

users as well.

sams_external_id string optional

Sourcegraph Accounts Management System (SAMS) account associated with the

user, represented by a SAMS external user ID in a UUID format. This is only

valid for services leveraging SAMS as an identity provider - in other words,

traditional Sourcegraph instances will not provide this.

Learn more about SAMS:


Field Type Label Description
licensed_instance Identifier.LicensedInstanceIdentifier

A licensed Sourcegraph instance.

unlicensed_instance Identifier.UnlicensedInstanceIdentifier

An unlicensed Sourcegraph instance.

managed_service Identifier.ManagedServiceIdentifier

A service operated and managed by the Sourcegraph team, for example

a service deployed by MSP:

Valid SAMS client credentials are required to publish events under a

managed service identifier. The required scope is

'telemetry_gateway::events::publish'. See go/sams-client-credentials and

go/sams-token-scopes for more information.


Field Type Label Description
license_key string

License key configured in the Sourcegraph instance emitting the event.

instance_id string

Self-reported Sourcegraph instance identifier.

external_url string

Instance external URL defined in the instance site configuration.


Field Type Label Description
service_id string

Self-reported service identifier, for example 'my-service'.

service_environment string optional

Self-reported service environment, for example 'prod' or 'dev'.


Field Type Label Description
instance_id string

Self-reported Sourcegraph instance identifier.

external_url string

Instance external URL defined in the instance site configuration.


Field Type Label Description
metadata RecordEventsRequestMetadata

Metadata about the events being recorded.

event Event

Event to record.



Field Type Label Description
metadata RecordEventsRequestMetadata

Metadata about the events being recorded.

events RecordEventsRequest.EventsPayload

Batch of events to record in a single request. Clients should aim to

batch large event backlogs into a series of smaller requests in the

RecordEvents stream, being mindful of common limits in individual message



Field Type Label Description
events Event repeated


Field Type Label Description
request_id string

Client-provided request identifier for diagnostics purposes.

identifier Identifier

Telemetry publisher self-identification - for example, a Sourcegraph

instance of some other kind of service.


Field Type Label Description
succeeded_events string repeated

IDs of all events that were successfully recorded in the request.

Note that if succeeded_events is a subset of events that were submitted,

then some events failed to record and should be retried.


Method Name Request Type Response Type Description
RecordEvents RecordEventsRequest stream RecordEventsResponse stream

RecordEvents streams telemetry events in batches to the Telemetry Gateway

service. Events should only be considered delivered if recording is

acknowledged in RecordEventsResponse.

This is the preferred mechanism for exporting large volumes of events in


🚨 SECURITY: Callers exporting for single-tenant Sourcegraph should check

the attributes of the Event type to ensure that only the appropriate fields

are exported, as some fields should only be exported on an allowlist basis.

RecordEvent RecordEventRequest RecordEventResponse

RecordEvent records a single telemetry event to the Telemetry Gateway service.

If the RPC succeeds, then the event was successfully published.

This RPC currently ONLY accepts events published by ManagedServiceIdentifier,

as this mechanism is intended for low-volume managed services. Higher-volume

use cases should implement a batching mechanism and use the RecordEvents

RPC instead.

🚨 SECURITY: Callers exporting for single-tenant Sourcegraph should check

the attributes of the Event type to ensure that only the appropriate fields

are exported, as some fields should only be exported on an allowlist basis.

Scalar Value Types

.proto Type Notes
int32 Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint32 instead.
int64 Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint64 instead.
uint32 Uses variable-length encoding.
uint64 Uses variable-length encoding.
sint32 Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int32s.
sint64 Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int64s.
fixed32 Always four bytes. More efficient than uint32 if values are often greater than 2^28.
fixed64 Always eight bytes. More efficient than uint64 if values are often greater than 2^56.
sfixed32 Always four bytes.
sfixed64 Always eight bytes.
string A string must always contain UTF-8 encoded or 7-bit ASCII text.
bytes May contain any arbitrary sequence of bytes.