
Cody is a free and open-core AI coding assistant that writes, fixes, and maintains your code. Cody understands your entire codebase by leveraging the power of Code Graph to gather context, which assists you in writing accurate code.

Cody connects seamlessly with codehosts like GitHub, GitLab and IDEs like VS Code and JetBrains. Once connected, Cody acts as your personal AI coding assistant, equipped with a comprehensive understanding of the following three crucial elements:

  1. Your entire codebase
  2. Vast knowledge of open source code
  3. Extensive training data for code understanding and problem-solving

Getting started

You can start using Cody with one of the following clients:

Main features

Cody's main features include:

Feature Description
Autocomplete Cody makes context-based code autocompletions. Cody can autocomplete single lines or whole functions in any programming language, configuration file, or documentation
Chat Ask Cody questions about code in the chat view, and it will use Sourcegraph’s code graph to answer using knowledge of your codebase
Commands Cody offers quick ready-to-use commands for common actions, such as adding code documentation, generating unit tests, and detecting code smells.
Debug Code Cody can debug your code in the editor and also helps you identify code smells

What data is collected and how is it used?

Cody collects and uses data in the following ways:

  • Prompts and responses: When you use Cody, Sourcegraph collects your prompts and responses to provide the service. For individuals using Cody via, Sourcegraph may use your prompts and responses to enhance the user experience, but Sourcegraph does not use any of your data to train models.
  • Usage data and feedback: Sourcegraph also collects usage data and feedback to improve the user experience.

Read more about Cody Usage and Privacy policy here →

Compatible with Sourcegraph products

Cody is compatible to use with the other Sourcegraph products, like Code Search. You can use Cody's chat to ask questions about your codebase. When you run any search query and open a repository or file, you’ll find an Ask Cody button that takes you to Cody’s chat interface that you can use to ask questions about the codebase.

Read more in the Cody FAQs to learn more about such queries →

Join our community

If you have any questions regarding Cody, you can always ask our community on GitHub discussions, Discord, or create a post on X.

More resources

For more information on what to do next, we recommend the following resources: