Restoring Postgres databases in Kubernetes

Expected use case: Restoring a previous snapshot for disaster recovery

For restoring Postgres databases in our Kubernetes deployments you should have backups of both the primary db and the codeintel-db. The primary db contains all user information.

To restore persistent volumes you need to

  1. Understand how your Kubernetes cluster provides Persistent Volume (PV) Storage GKE , EKS , AKS
  2. Scale down all pods that are using the PersistentVolumeClaim (PVC)
  3. Backup the current PVCs
  4. Create new PVs that reference the restored snapshots


  1. Backup the PVCs we will be operating on

    kubectl get pvc pgsql codeintel-db codeinsights-db -oyaml > backupPVC.yaml
  2. Ensure that you have snapshots of the necessary PVs (this depends on your deployment environment)

    kubectl get pv $(kubectl get pvc pgsql codeintel-db codeinsights-db -o=jsonpath='{.items[*].spec.volumeName}')
  3. Restore the snapshots to new disks that meet the requirements to be consumed by your cluster (same region, etc).

  4. Scale down all deployments to zero (note: both approaches involve downtime, the first approach is preferred)

    kubectl scale deployment  -l deploy=sourcegraph --replicas=0

    or (if you are unable to scale deployments to their previous values easily)

     kubectl scale deployment pgsql codeinsights-db codeintel-db  --replicas=0
  5. Next, you need to replace the existing PVC and PV.

  6. First, delete the PVC kubectl delete pvc pgsql

  7. Then create the new PV & PVC. The options used to configure the PV will be specific to every provider.

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolume
  name: example-pgsql-volume
  storageClassName: "sourcegraph"
    - ReadWriteOnce
    storage: 200Gi
    namespace: ns-sourcegraph
    name: pgsql
  # You will need to customize the fields below most likely
    pdName: disk-restored-from-snapshot
    fsType: ext4
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  name: pgsql
  namespace: ns-sourcegraph
  storageClassName: "sourcegraph"
    - ReadWriteOnce
      storage: 200Gi
  1. Ensure PVCs become Bound kubectl get pvc -w

  2. (Optional) Commit PVs and PVCs back to deployment repo into the base/${deployment} directory.

  3. Scale deployments back up

  4. If you use our deployment scripts, after committing the change you may run ./ again to restore all deployments to their set number of replicas.

  5. Otherwise, kubectl scale deployment pgsql codeinsights-db codeintel-db --replicas=1

  6. After ensuring Sourcegraph is functional, you may delete the previous PVs. If the Reclaim Policy is not set to Delete you will need to manually delete the disk from your provider as well.