How to use migrator operation drift

During an upgrade you may run into the following message.

* Sourcegraph migrator v4.1.3
❌ Schema drift detected for frontend
💡 Before continuing with this operation, run the migrator's drift command and follow instructions to repair the schema. See for additional instructions.

This error indicates that migrator has detected some difference between the state of the schema in your database and the expected schema for the database in the -from or current version of your Sourcegraph instance.

When the schema drift command is run you'll see a set of diffs representing the areas where your instance schema has diverged from the expected state as well as the SQL operations to fix these examples of drift. For example:

❌ Missing index "external_service_repos"."external_service_repos_repo_id_external_service_id_unique"
💡 Suggested action: define the index.

ALTER TABLE external_service_repos ADD CONSTRAINT
external_service_repos_repo_id_external_service_id_unique UNIQUE
(repo_id, external_service_id);
❌ Unexpected properties of column "batch_spec_resolution_jobs"."batch_spec_id"

  	Name:                   "batch_spec_id",
  	Index:                  -1,
  	TypeName:               "integer",
- 	IsNullable:             false,
+ 	IsNullable:             true,
  	Default:                "",
  	CharacterMaximumLength: 0,
  	... // 5 identical fields

💡 Suggested action: change the column nullability constraint.

ALTER TABLE batch_spec_resolution_jobs ALTER COLUMN
batch_spec_id SET NOT NULL;

To correct these errors in the database run the suggested SQL queries via psql in internal databases, or via the tools provided by your cloud database provider.

docker example

docker exec -it pgsql psql -U sg -c 'ALTER TABLE external_service_repos ADD CONSTRAINT external_service_repos_repo_id_external_service_id_unique UNIQUE (repo_id, external_service_id);'

kubernetes example

kubectl -n ns-sourcegraph exec -it pgsql -- psql -U sg -c 'ALTER TABLE external_service_repos ADD CONSTRAINT external_service_repos_repo_id_external_service_id_unique UNIQUE (repo_id, external_service_id);'

Then check the database again with the drift command and proceed with your multiversion upgrade.

Note: It is possible for the drift command to detect diffs which will not prevent upgrades. For example the following drift output picked up formating differences \n vs "":

❌ Unexpected definition of function "lsif_data_docs_search_private_delete"
    "delete()\n RETURNS trigger\n LANGUAGE plpgsql\nAS
    "UPDATE lsif_data_apidocs_num_search_results_private SET
count =",
-   " ",
+   "\n",
    "count - (select count(*) from oldtbl);\nRETURN NULL;\nEND
  }, "")
💡 Suggested action: replace the function definition.
 RETURNS trigger
 LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $function$
UPDATE lsif_data_apidocs_num_search_results_private SET count =
count - (select count(*) from oldtbl);
END $function$;

If migrator drift suggests SQL queries which don't make sense please report to [email protected] or open an issue in the sourcegraph/sourcegraph repo. You may proceed with a migrator upgrade command using the -skip-drift-check=true flag.