Using Sourcegraph extensions


To view all available extensions on your Sourcegraph instance, click User menu > Extensions in the top navigation bar.

Don't see an extension you need? You can also author your own extension or share your idea with an issue labeled extension-request.

To enable/disable an extension for yourself, click User menu > Extensions, find the extension, and toggle the slider.

After enabling a Sourcegraph extension, it is immediately ready to use. Of course, some extensions only activate for certain files (e.g., the Python extension only adds code intelligence for .py files).

On your code host

Install the browser extension and point it to your Sourcegraph instance (or in its options menu. It will consult your Sourcegraph user settings and activate the extensions you've enabled whenever you view code or diffs on your code host or review tool.

For organizations

To enable/disable an extension for all organization members, add it to the extensions object in organization settings (as shown below).

  "extensions": {
    "alice/myextension": true, // or false to disable

For all users

On a self-hosted Sourcegraph instance, add the same JSON above to global settings (in Site admin > Global settings).