Index a TypeScript or JavaScript repository

Instructions for creating an index for JavaScript and TypeScript projects and uploading it to Sourcegraph.

We will use scip-typescript to create the index and the Sourcegraph CLI to upload it to Sourcegraph.

Indexing in CI using scip-typescript directly

In this approach, you will directly install scip-typescript and src-cli in CI. This is particularly useful if you are already using some other Docker image for your build.

Here is an example using GitHub Actions to create and upload an index for a TypeScript project.

    # prevent forks of this repo from uploading lsif indexes
    if: github.repository == '<insert your repo name>'
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
      - name: Install dependencies
        run: npm install
      - name: Install scip-typescript
        run: npm install -g @sourcegraph/scip-typescript
      - name: Generate index
        uses: scip-typescript index
      - name: Install src-cli
        run: |
          curl -L -o /usr/local/bin/src
          chmod +x /usr/local/bin/src          
      - name: Upload index
        run: src code-intel upload -github-token='${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' -no-progress

On CI providers other than GitHub Actions, you may need to explicitly install Node.js as a first step. See the scip-typescript README for the list of supported Node.js versions.


Optional scip-typescript flags

The exact scip-typescript invocation will vary based on your configuration. For example:

  • If you are indexing a JavaScript project instead of TypeScript, add the --infer-tsconfig flag.
    scip-typescript index --infer-tsconfig
  • If you are indexing a project using Yarn workspaces, add the --yarn-workspaces flag.
    scip-typescript index --yarn-workspaces
  • If you are indexing a project using Pnpm workspaces, add the --pnpm-workspaces flag.
    scip-typescript index --pnpm-workspaces

Indexing in CI using the scip-typescript Docker image

Sourcegraph provides a Docker image for sourcegraph/scip-typescript, which bundles src-cli for convenience.

Here is an example using the scip-typescript Docker image with GitHub Actions to index a TypeScript project.

    # prevent forks of this repo from uploading lsif indexes
    if: github.repository == '<insert your repo name>'
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    container: sourcegraph/scip-typescript:latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
      - name: Install dependencies
        run: npm install
      - name: Generate index
        run: scip-typescript index
      - name: Upload index
        run: src code-intel upload -github-token=${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} -no-progress

If you are indexing a JavaScript codebase or a project using Yarn workspaces, tweak the scip-typescript invocation as documented in the Optional scip-typescript flags section.

One-off indexing using scip-typescript locally

Creating one-off indexes and uploading them is valuable as a proof of concept, but indexes are not kept up to date.

The steps here are similar to those in the previous GitHub Actions example.

  1. Install scip-typescript.
    npm install -g @sourcegraph/scip-typescript
  2. Install the Sourcegraph CLI.
    curl -L -o /usr/local/bin/src
    chmod +x /usr/local/bin/src
    The exact invocation may change depending on the OS and architecture. See the src-cli README for details.
  3. cd into your project's root (which contains package.json/tsconfig.json) and run the following:
    # Enable (1) type-checking code used from external packages and (2) cross-repo navigation
    # by installing dependencies first with npm or yarn
    npm install
    scip-typescript index # for TypeScript projects
    If you are indexing a JavaScript codebase or a project using Yarn workspaces, tweak the scip-typescript invocation as documented in the Optional scip-typescript flags section.
  4. Upload the data to a Sourcegraph instance.
    # for private instances
    SRC_ENDPOINT=<your sourcegraph endpoint> src code-intel upload
    # for public instances
    src code-intel upload -github-token=<your github token>
    The upload command will provide a URL you can visit to see the upload status. Once the upload has finished processing, you can visit the repo and enjoy precise code navigation!