src batch apply


Name Description Default Value
-allow-unsupported Allow unsupported code hosts. false
-apply Ignored. false
-cache Directory for caching results and repository archives. ~/.cache/sourcegraph/batch
-clean-archives If true, deletes downloaded repository archives after executing batch spec steps. Note that only the archives related to the actual repositories matched by the batch spec will be cleaned up, and clean up will not occur if src exits unexpectedly. true
-clear-cache If true, clears the execution cache and executes all steps anew. false
-dump-requests Log GraphQL requests and responses to stdout false
-f The batch spec file to read, or - to read from standard input.
-force-override-ignore Do not ignore repositories that have a .batchignore file. false
-get-curl Print the curl command for executing this query and exit (WARNING: includes printing your access token!) false
-insecure-skip-verify Skip validation of TLS certificates against trusted chains false
-j The maximum number of parallel jobs. Default (or 0) is the number of CPU cores available to Docker. 0
-keep-logs Retain logs after executing steps. false
-n Alias for -namespace.
-namespace The user or organization namespace to place the batch change within. Default is the currently authenticated user.
-run-as-root If true, forces all step containers to run as root. false
-skip-errors If true, errors encountered while executing steps in a repository won't stop the execution of the batch spec but only cause that repository to be skipped. false
-text-only INTERNAL USE ONLY. EXPERIMENTAL. Switches off the TUI to only print JSON lines. false
-timeout The maximum duration a single batch spec step can take. 1h0m0s
-tmp Directory for storing temporary data, such as log files. Default is /tmp. Can also be set with environment variable SRC_BATCH_TMP_DIR; if both are set, this flag will be used and not the environment variable. /tmp
-trace Log the trace ID for requests. See false
-user-agent-telemetry Include the operating system and architecture in the User-Agent sent with requests to Sourcegraph true
-v print verbose output false
-workspace Workspace mode to use ("auto", "bind", or "volume") auto


Usage of 'src batch apply':
    	Allow unsupported code hosts.
  -cache string
    	Directory for caching results and repository archives. (default "~/.cache/sourcegraph/batch")
    	If true, deletes downloaded repository archives after executing batch spec steps. Note that only the archives related to the actual repositories matched by the batch spec will be cleaned up, and clean up will not occur if src exits unexpectedly. (default true)
    	If true, clears the execution cache and executes all steps anew.
    	Log GraphQL requests and responses to stdout
  -f string
    	The batch spec file to read, or - to read from standard input.
    	Do not ignore repositories that have a .batchignore file.
    	Print the curl command for executing this query and exit (WARNING: includes printing your access token!)
    	Skip validation of TLS certificates against trusted chains
  -j int
    	The maximum number of parallel jobs. Default (or 0) is the number of CPU cores available to Docker.
    	Retain logs after executing steps.
  -n string
    	Alias for -namespace.
  -namespace string
    	The user or organization namespace to place the batch change within. Default is the currently authenticated user.
    	If true, forces all step containers to run as root.
    	If true, errors encountered while executing steps in a repository won't stop the execution of the batch spec but only cause that repository to be skipped.
    	INTERNAL USE ONLY. EXPERIMENTAL. Switches off the TUI to only print JSON lines.
  -timeout duration
    	The maximum duration a single batch spec step can take. (default 1h0m0s)
  -tmp string
    	Directory for storing temporary data, such as log files. Default is /tmp. Can also be set with environment variable SRC_BATCH_TMP_DIR; if both are set, this flag will be used and not the environment variable. (default "/tmp")
    	Log the trace ID for requests. See
    	Include the operating system and architecture in the User-Agent sent with requests to Sourcegraph (default true)
  -v	print verbose output
  -workspace string
    	Workspace mode to use ("auto", "bind", or "volume") (default "auto")

'src batch apply' is used to apply a batch spec on a Sourcegraph instance,
creating or updating the described batch change if necessary.


    src batch apply [command options] [-f FILE]
    src batch apply [command options] FILE


    $ src batch apply -f batch.spec.yaml

    $ src batch apply -f batch.spec.yaml -namespace myorg

    $ src batch apply batch.spec.yaml