Managing Code Insights with the API

Learn how to manage Code Insights on private Sourcegraph instances with the API. If you haven't used the API before, learn more about the GraphQL API and how to use it.

This page is meant as a guide for common use cases. You can find all of GraphQL documentation in the API Console.


The Code Insights GraphQL API is available on Sourcegraph versions 3.35.1+.

Note: If Code Insights setting storage is enabled, (ENABLE_CODE_INSIGHTS_SETTINGS_STORAGE:true) any changes made via the API will be periodically overwritten by insights stored in settings. This is an unlikely scenario.

Permissions and visibility

Note: there are no separate read/write permissions at this time, so if a user has permission to view an insight they can also edit and delete it.

When a user creates a Code Insight, that user will automatically be granted permission to view that insight. Besides this one case of insight-level permissions, all permissions exist on dashboards. This means that in order for another user to view an insight via the API, that insight must first be attached to a dashboard with either organization or global permissions.

See Managing Dashboards below for more information.

Just-in-time vs persisted insights

Some insights generate and persist time series data, while others calculate their data just-in-time on page load. Currently, line chart insights will be persisted, while the language statistics pie charts that run over a single repository will be generated just-in-time.

Creating a persisted insight

To create a Code Insight that will generate and persist time series data, use the mutation below.

Important: Specify the list of repositories that the insight should run over in repositoryScope.repositories or leave it empty to specify that the query should be run across all repositories.

mutation CreateLineChartSearchInsight($input: LineChartSearchInsightInput!) {
  createLineChartSearchInsight(input: $input) {
    view {

Example variables:

  "input": {
    "options": {
      "title": "Javascript to Typescript migration"
    "dataSeries": [{
      "query": "lang:javascript",
      "options": {
        "label": "javascript",
        "lineColor": "#6495ED"
      "repositoryScope": {
        "repositories": []
      "timeScope": {
        "stepInterval": {
          "unit": "MONTH",
          "value": 1
      "query": "lang:typescript",
      "options": {
        "label": "typescript",
        "lineColor": "#DE3163"
      "repositoryScope": {
        "repositories": []
      "timeScope": {
        "stepInterval": {
          "unit": "MONTH",
          "value": 1

Creating a pie chart insight

Pie chart insights show language usage across a specified repository. Because this type of chart has not yet been generalized to other use cases, the query field in the input is not used. To create one, use the mutation below.

mutation CreatePieChartSearchInsight($input: PieChartSearchInsightInput!) {
  createPieChartSearchInsight(input: $input) {
    view {

Example variables:

  "input": {
    "query": "",
    "repositoryScope": {
      "repositories": ["sourcegraph/sourcegraph"]
    "presentationOptions": {
      "title": "Language usage for Sourcegraph",
      "otherThreshold": 0.3

Reading a single Code Insight

Use the query below to read a Code Insight by id. filters are optional, and if provided will filter the aggregated time series to specific repositories.

You can find an insight's id if you visit the edit page for the insight. The edit page URL will be of the form where the id is aW5zaWdodF92aWV3OiIyM2hiYzNNclB2bDBtajlLTTZTUlBpWVlhZWQi. Alternatively, you can list all insights using this graphQL API.

Notes on the return object:

  • dataSeries.status is useful to guage the progress of the series point generation. More information can be found in the API Console Documentation
  • The dataSeries, dataSeriesDefinitions and seriesPresentation arrays each store different information about the same series. The seriesId field on each can be used to match them up.
    • dataSeries contains the calculated time series data
    • dataSeriesDefinitions contains the definition for the series, such as the query and time interval
    • seriesPresentation contains presentation options such as the title and line color
query InsightViews($id: ID, $filters: InsightViewFiltersInput) {
  insightViews(id: $id, filters: $filters) {
    nodes {
      dataSeries {
        points {
        status {
      dataSeriesDefinitions {
        ... on SearchInsightDataSeriesDefinition {
          repositoryScope {
          timeScope {
            ... on InsightIntervalTimeScope {
      presentation {
        ... on LineChartInsightViewPresentation {
          seriesPresentation {
        ... on PieChartInsightViewPresentation {

Example variables:

  "id": "aW5zaWdodF92aWV3OiIyMkVIR2pXOTFkSzNOanpmM2hyWnU3WDJwMlgi",
  "filters": {
    "includeRepoRegex": "sourcegraph/sourcegraph",
    "excludeRepoRegex": "sourcegraph/handbook"

List Code Insights

The query below will list all of the Code Insights that you can see based on permissions. The query and return object is the same as for reading a single Code Insight. All input parameters are optional, and can be used for cursor-based pagination and repository filtering.

query InsightViews($first: Int, $after: String, $filters: InsightViewFiltersInput) {
  insightViews(first: $first, after: $after, filters: $filters) {
    nodes {
    pageInfo {

Example variables:

  "first": 10,
  "after": "aW5zaWdodF92aWV3OiIyM1l3WHpmSkVhY2Juc0RvWVE5N0FtRU9Wbkki"

Updating a Code Insight

Below is a GraphQL mutation that updates an existing Code Insight. The format is almost identical to the creation mutation, except that it now takes an id. The input object must be complete as it will completely overwrite the existing Code Insight.

Important: series are added, updated, and deleted from the insight as follows:

  • A dataSeries without a seriesId or with an unknown seriesId will be treated as a new series and be added to the insight.
  • A dataSeries with a seriesId that already exists for this insight will be updated in place.
  • Any dataSeries that previously existed on the insight but are NOT included in the update will be deleted.
mutation UpdateLineChartSearchInsight($id: ID!, $input: UpdateLineChartSearchInsightInput!) {
  updateLineChartSearchInsight(id: $id, input: $input) {
    view {

Example variables:

This is an example of updating the Code Insight from the creation mutation example. This updates options.title, the dataSeries.timeScope.stepInterval of the existing javascript series, and deletes the typescript series by omiting it.

  "id": "[INSIGHT_ID]",
  "input": {
    "presentationOptions": {
      "title": "Javascript weekly"
    "viewControls": {
      "seriesDisplayOptions": {},
      "filters": {}
    "dataSeries": [
        "seriesId": "[SERIES_ID]",
        "query": "lang:javascript",
        "options": {
          "label": "javascript",
          "lineColor": "#6495ED"
        "repositoryScope": {
          "repositories": []
        "timeScope": {
          "stepInterval": {
            "unit": "WEEK",
            "value": 1

Deleting a Code Insight

Below is a GraphQL mutation that deletes a Code Insight by ID.

mutation DeleteInsightView($id: ID!) {
  deleteInsightView(id: $id) {

Example variables:

  "id": "aW5zaWdodF92aWV3OiIyMkVIR2pXOTFkSzNOanpmM2hyWnU3WDJwMlgi" 

Managing dashboards

Creating a dashboard

Below is a GraphQL mutation that creates a dashboard with global permissions, meaning all users can view this dashboard and all of its insights.

mutation CreateInsightsDashboard($input: CreateInsightsDashboardInput!) {
  createInsightsDashboard(input: $input) {
    dashboard { 

Example variables:

  "input": {
    "title": "Global insights dashboard",
    "grants": {
      "users": [],
      "organizations": [],
      "global": true

Adding and removing Code Insights from a dashboard

Use the following mutations to add and remove insights from dashboards:

mutation AddInsightViewToDashboard($input: AddInsightViewToDashboardInput!) {
  addInsightViewToDashboard(input: $input) {
    dashboard { 
mutation RemoveInsightViewFromDashboard($input: RemoveInsightViewFromDashboardInput!) {
  removeInsightViewFromDashboard(input: $input) {
    dashboard { 

Example variables:

  "input": {
    "insightViewId": "aW5zaWdodF92aWV3OiIyMkVIR2pXOTFkSzNOanpmM2hyWnU3WDJwMlgi",
    "dashboardId": "ZGFzaGJvYXJkOnsiSWRUeXBlIjoiY3VzdG9tIiwiQXJnIjoxNDV9"