migrator operations

This document provides a list of the migrator commands available to admins for manual invocation, as well as instructions migrator's operation in specific deployment environments.

Environment specific operations

To run a migrator command, follow the guide for your Sourcegraph distribution type:


The migrator is a Sourcegraph service whose purpose is to managed the state of pgsql, codeintel-db, and codeinsights-db database schemas.

Whenever a docker-compose or kubernetes based deployment is started migrator is run with the default up command. In kubernetes as an initContainer, and in docker-compose as a depends_on of the frontend. up runs all necessary schema migrations in the case of a standard upgrade, and then exits. The frontend service will not start until migrator exits successfully.

migrator can also be used like a command line tool, accepting command arguments with flags. The most common usage of migrator this way is to perform multiversion upgrades with the upgrade command. Many other commands are also available.

Some notes on migrator:

  • The migrator service was introduced in v3.37.0.
  • migrator's upgrade command was introduced in v4.0.0 and is intended to be used to upgrade versions as old as 3.20.x. Always check your deployment types upgrade notes before a multiversion upgrade.
  • Commands such as downgrade, drift, run-out-of-band-migrations, and upgrade, all work against Sourcegraph versions as old as v3.20.x.

Migrator environment variables

Migrator uses environemt variables to target the correct database instances. By default these values are configured to target Sourcegraphs locally deployed databases. These values may be adjusted to connect migrator to externally managed databases.

Manifest loactions:

Example default environment variables:

PGHOST: "pgsql"
PGPORT: "5432"
PGUSER: "sg"
PGSSLMODE: "disable"
CODEINTEL_PGHOST: "codeintel-db"
CODEINSIGHTS_PGHOST: "codeinsights-db"


The migrator service exposes the following commands:


The upgrade command performs database schema migrations and out-of-band migrations to rewrite existing instance data in-place into the shaped expected by a given target Sourcegraph version. This command is used by site-administrators to perform multi-version upgrades.

upgrade \
    --from=<current version> --to=<target version> \
    [--dry-run=false] \
    [--disable-animation=false] \
    [--skip-version-check=false] [--skip-drift-check=false] \
    [--unprivileged-only=false] [--noop-privileged=false] [--privileged-hash=<hash>] \

Required arguments:

  • --from: The current Sourcegraph release version (without the patch; e.g., v3.36)
  • --to: The target Sorucegraph release version (without the patch; e.g., v4.0)

Optional arguments:

  • --dry-run: Print the steps of the upgrade but do not execute them.
  • --disable-animation: Print plain log messages instead of an animated progress bar.
  • --skip-version-check: Skip comparing the current instance version against --from.
  • --skip-drift-check: Skip comparing the database schema shape against the schema defined by --from.
  • --unprivileged-only and --noop-privileged: Controls behavior of schema migrations the presence of privileged definitions.
  • --ignore-migrator-update: Controls whether to hard- or soft-fail if a newer migrator version is available. It is recommended to use the latest migrator version.


  • Successive invocations of this command will re-attempt the last failed or attempted (but incomplete) migration. This command run as if the --ignore-single-{dirty,pending}-log flags supplied by the commands up, upto, and downto were enabled.
  • This command checks that the schema of the database is in the correct state for the current version, if schema drift is detected it must be resolved before completing the upgrade. Learn more here..
  • Successive invocations of this command may cause database drift when partial progress is made. When making a subsequent upgrade attempt, invoke this command with --skip-drift-check ignore the failing startup check.


The drift command describes the current (live) database schema and compares it against the expected schema at the given version. The output of this command will include all relevant schema differences that could affect application correctness and performance. When schema drift is detected, a diff of the expected and actual Postgres object definitions will be shown, along with instructions on how to manually resolve the disparity. Learn more here.

drift \
    --db=<schema> \
    [--version=<version>] \
    [--file=<path to description file>] \

Required arguments:

  • --db: The target schema to inspect. Ex: frontend, codeintel, codeinsights

Mutually exclusive arguments:

Exactly one of --version and --file must be supplied.

  • --version: The instance's current Sourcegraph release version including a patch (e.g., v3.42.1).
  • --file: The filepath to a local schema description file. This is useful for airgapped instances that do not have access to the public Sourcegraph GitHub repository or the public GCS bucket where old revisions have been backfilled.
  • --ignore-migrator-update: Controls whether to hard- or soft-fail if a newer migrator version is available. It is recommended to use the latest migrator version.


The downgrade command performs database schema migrations and (reverse-applied) out-of-band migrations to rewrite existing instance data in-place into the shaped expected by a given target Sourcegraph version.

downgrade \
    --from=<current version> --to=<target version> \
    [--dry-run=false] \
    [--disable-animation=false] \
    [--skip-version-check=false] [--skip-drift-check=false] \
    [--unprivileged-only=false] [--noop-privileged=false] [--privileged-hash=<hash>] \

Required arguments:

  • --from: The current Sourcegraph release version (without the patch; e.g., v3.36)
  • --to: The target Sorucegraph release version (without the patch; e.g., v4.0)

Optional arguments:

  • --dry-run: Print the steps of the upgrade but do not execute them.
  • --disable-animation: Print plain log messages instead of an animated progress bar.
  • --skip-version-check: Skip comparing the current instance version against --from.
  • --skip-drift-check: Skip comparing the database schema shape against the schema defined by --from.
  • --unprivileged-only and --noop-privileged: Controls behavior of schema migrations the presence of privileged definitions.
  • --ignore-migrator-update: Controls whether to hard- or soft-fail if a newer migrator version is available. It is recommended to use the latest migrator version.


  • Successive invocations of this command will re-attempt the last failed or attempted (but incomplete) migration. This command run as if the --ignore-single-{dirty,pending}-log flags supplied by the commands up, upto, and downto were enabled.
  • Successive invocations of this command may cause database drift when partial progress is made. When making a subsequent downgrade attempt, invoke this command with --skip-drift-check ignore the failing startup check.


The add-log command adds an entry to the migration_logs table after a site administrator has explicitly applied the contents of a migration definition. This command may be performed by a site-administrator as part of repairing a dirty database.

add-log \
    --db=<schema> \
    --version=<version> \

Required arguments:

  • --db: The target schema to modify.
  • --version: The migration identifier noted on the log entry.

Optional arguments:

  • --up: The migration direction noted on the log entry.


The validate command validates the current state of the database (both schema and data migration progress). This command is used on Sourcegraph instance startup of database-dependent services to ensure that the migrator has been run to the expected version.

validate \
    [--db=all] \

Optional arguments:

  • --db: The target schema(s) to validate. Comma-separated values are allowed.
  • --skip-out-of-band-migrations: Skip validation of out-of-band migrations. Validate the schema only.


  • If DISABLE_CODE_INSIGHTS is not set and the codeinsights-db is not available, then this command will fail with the default value for the --db flag. To resolve, supply --db=frontend,codeintel instead.


The up command (the default behavior of the migrator service) applies all migrations defined at the time the migrator was built. This command is used on Sourcegraph instance startup to ensure the database schema is up to date prior to starting other services that depend on the database.

Users should generally prefer the command upto, which accepts more explicit bounds and does not depend on the migrator compilation version.

up \
    [--db=all] \
    [--skip-upgrade-validation=false] \
    [--ignore-single-dirty-log=false] [--ignore-single-pending-log=false] \
    [--unprivileged-only=false] [--noop-privileged=false] [--privileged-hash=<hash>]

Optional arguments:

  • --db: The target schema(s) to modify. Comma-separated values are allowed.
  • --skip-upgrade-validation: Skip asserting that the standard upgrade policy is being followed.
  • --skip-oobmigration-validation: Skip reading the progress of out-of-band migrations to assert completion of newly deprecated migrations.
  • --ignore-single-dirty-log and --ignore-single-pending-log: Re-attempt to apply the next migration that was marked as errored or as incomplete (respectively). See how to troubleshoot a dirty database.
  • --unprivileged-only and --noop-privileged: Controls behavior of schema migrations the presence of privileged definitions.


  • If DISABLE_CODE_INSIGHTS is not set and the codeinsights-db is not available, then this command will fail with the default value for the --db flag. To resolve, supply --db=frontend,codeintel instead.


The run-out-of-band-migrations command runs out-of-band migrations within the migrator. This command may be performed by a site-administrator as part of repairing an unfinished migration.

run-out-of-band-migrations \
    [--id <id>]+ \
    [--apply-reverse=false] \

Required arguments:

  • --id: The identifier(s) of the migrations to apply. Multiple flags can be supplied. If no flag is supplied, all migrations are applied.
  • --apply-reverse: Run migrations in the reverse direction.

Optional arguments:

  • --disable-animation: Print plain log messages instead of an animated progress bar.


The describe command outputs a dump of your database schema.

describe \
    --db=<schema> \
    --format=<json|psql> \
    [--out=stdout] \
    [--force=false] \

Required arguments:

  • --db: The target schema to describe.
  • --format: The format in which the description is output.

Optional arguments:

  • --out: The target output file. If not supplied, the output is printed to stdout.
  • --force: Overwrite the file.
  • --no-color: Do not print ANSI color sequences.


Generally in production environments migrator is run by updating the startup command and image of migrator in the manifest defining migrator. Below you can find general instructions on how to manipulate migrator's manifest to invoke a command.

Kubernetes Kustomize

In kubernetes migrator is initialized as a kubernetes job. The job is initialized with arguments passed to the args: key. Below are links to the job manifests in our kustomize and legacy deployments:

To run migrator with a specific command:

  1. Edit the migrator.Job.yaml files args: value to the intended command with flags, and alter the image: value to the latest released image of migrator (in the case of the up command use your current deployment version).

For example here the upgrade command:

  - name: migrator
    image: "index.docker.io/sourcegraph/migrator:5.0.3"
    args: ["upgrade", "--from=v3.41.0", "--to=v4.5.1"]
  1. Apply the job and wait for it to complete.
# Delete previous job (if one exists)
kubectl delete -f configure/migrator/migrator.Job.yaml --ignore-not-found=true

# Apply the manifest and wait for the operation to complete before continuing
kubectl apply -f configure/migrator/migrator.Job.yaml
  1. Check the logs from execution
$ kubectl logs job.batch/migrator -f

Kubernetes Helm

Running migrator operations in helm takes advantage of the sourcegraph-migrator helm charts. You can learn more about general operations and find some examples in the repo where the charts are defined.

Generally the migrator is run via the helm upgrade, for example:

$ helm upgrade --install -n sourcegraph --set "migrator.args={drift,--db=frontend,--version=v3.39.1}" sourcegraph-migrator sourcegraph/sourcegraph-migrator --version 4.4.2

In the example above the drift operation is run with flags --db and --version. The migrator is run using image version v4.4.2.

Arguments are set with the --set "migrator.args={operation-arg,flag-arg-1,flag-arg-2} portion of the command. Just like you would run commands in terminal, these are the args you are telling the migrator to run on initialization.

In the most general form running operations follows this template:

$ helm upgrade --install -n <your namespace> --set "migrator.args={<arg1>,<arg2>,<arg3>}" sourcegraph-migrator sourcegraph/sourcegraph-migrator --version <migrator image version> 


In Docker-compose migrator is initialized as a container in the docker-compose.yaml file.

To run migrator with a specific command:

  1. Edit the docker-compose.yaml file command: value to the intended command with flags, and alter the image: value to the latest released image of migrator (in the case of the up command use your current deployment version).

For example here the upgrade command:

  container_name: migrator
  image: 'index.docker.io/sourcegraph/migrator:5.0.3'
  cpus: 0.5
  mem_limit: '500m'
  command: ['upgrade', '--from=v3.41.0', '--to=v4.5.1']
  1. Apply the job and wait for it to complete.
$ docker-compose up -d migrator
  1. The log output of migrator can be checked with the command
$ docker logs migrator

Note: Remember to set the command: back to up and image: back to your deployment version if you are starting Souregraph again.


Run the following commands on your Docker host.


docker run \
  --rm \
  -e PGHOST='pgsql' \
  -e PGPORT='5432' \
  -e PGUSER='sg' \
  -e PGPASSWORD='sg' \
  -e PGDATABASE='sg' \
  -e PGSSLMODE='disable' \
  -e CODEINTEL_PGHOST='codeintel-db' \
  -e CODEINTEL_PGPORT='5432' \
  -e CODEINTEL_PGSSLMODE='disable' \
  -e CODEINSIGHTS_PGHOST='codeinsights-db' \
  -e CODEINSIGHTS_PGUSER='postgres' \
  --network=docker-compose_sourcegraph \
  sourcegraph/migrator:$MIGRATOR_SOURCEGRAPH_VERSION \
  # Optional (defaults to `["up", "-db", "all"]`)
  "add" "quoted" "arguments"

Observe the output of the migrator container via:

$ docker logs migrator_$SOURCEGRAPH_VERSION

The log output of the migrator should include INFO-level logs and successfully terminate with migrator exited with code 0. If you see an error message or any of the databases have been flagged as "dirty", please follow "How to troubleshoot a dirty database". A dirty database will not affect your ability to use Sourcegraph however it will need to be resolved to upgrade further. If you are unable to resolve the issues, contact support at mailto:[email protected] for further assistance. Otherwise, you are now safe to upgrade Sourcegraph.

Local development

To run the migrator locally, simply run go run ./cmd/migrator.

Many of the commands detailed above are also available via sg. Replace migrator with sg migration .... There are a few command registered on the migrator but not on sg (e.g., upgrade and downgrade), as local environments are a bit of a different beast than environments performing upgrades only along tagged releases.