
Sourcegraph can be configured to enforce the same access to repositories and underlying source files as your code host. If configured, Sourcegraph will allow the user to only see the entities that they can see on the code host. These permissions are enforced across the product for all the use cases that need to read data from a repository, including the existence of such repository on the code host.

Imagine a scenario, with 2 users, alice and bob:

  • alice can access repositories my-organisation/global and my-organisation/alice on the code host
  • bob has access to repositories my-organisation/global and my-organisation/docs on the code host
  • There is a public repository my-organisation/public
  • All of the mentioned repositories are synced to Sourcegraph

With permissions set up, when alice tries to run a search on Sourcegraph, the results will only contain data from the public my-organisation/global repository and the ones she has access to (my-organisation/global and my-organisation/alice). alice will not be able to see results from the my-organisation/docs. If alice creates a code insight, she will only see results from the repositories she has access to.

Same for bob, the search results or any other feature will not show him the existence of my-organisation/alice repository on Sourcegraph, since bob does not have access to it on the code host.

Getting started

To set up permissions by syncing them from a code host you need two things: an authentication provider that can tell which users should see which repositories and a code host connection with authorization enabled.

  1. Configure an authentication provider for the code host from which you want to sync permissions:
  2. Configure the code host connection to use authorization:

It's also possible to use other methods to get permission data from a code host into the Sourcegraph instance.

Supported methods to sync permissions

Today, we support 3 different methods to get the permission data from code host to Sourcegraph:

  1. Permission syncing from the code host
  2. Webhooks for getting permission events from code host
  3. Explicit permissions API

To know more about each method that we support, please follow the link above.

Supported code hosts

Support for repository permissions accross different code hosts is different. The following table captures current state of support (ordered alphabetically):

Code host Permission Syncing Webhooks for Permissions Explicit API Scale supported
Bitbucket Cloud Beta 10k users, 100k repositories
Bitbucket Server 10k users, 100k repositories
Gerrit Beta 10k users, 100k repositories
GitHub 40k users, 200k repositories
GitHub Enterprise 40k users, 200k repositories
GitLab 40k users, 200k repositories
GitLab Self-Managed 40k users, 200k repositories
Perforce Experimental Yes (with file-level permissions) 10k users, 250k repositories

All the other code hosts only support Explicit permissions API.

Supported scale

If not otherwise stated in the table above, all code hosts should support up to 10k users and 100k repositories for permission syncing.

These numbers come from testing the supported scale in a testing environment or running on a customer instance.

Please contact support if you want to discuss bigger scale than specified.


Each method of getting permissions to Sourcegraph has different SLA on how long it takes for permissions to appear in Sourcegraph.

License requirements

To have permission syncing available, the Sourcegraph instance needs to be configured with a license that has acls feature enabled. If it is not present, Sourcegraph will not enforce repository permissions and each repository will be treated as public - any user that has access to Sourcegraph will be able to access it.

Site administrators

By default, site-admins bypass all of the permissions checks. Which means, all site admins are able to view all the repositories by default. The default can be changed by setting the site config option authz.enforceForSiteAdmins to true.

E.g. trying to figure out if a specific repository is syncing source code to Sourcegraph correctly might become an impossible task if the site admin cannot access that repository.

Permissions mechanisms in parallel

Experimental Sourcegraph 5.0+

Up to version 5.0 it was not possible to use explicit permissions API alongside permission syncing. Meaning, if explicit permissions API was turned ON, synced permissions were turned OFF. Which also meant it was impossible to use explicit permissions for one code host and synced permissions for another one on the same Sourcegraph instance.


User alice has existing synced permissions to repositories horsegraph/global and horsegraph/hay-v1. Alice also has explicit API permissions to repository horsegraph/hay-dev. So the overall repository permissions of alice are the following union set: [horsegraph/global, horsegraph/hay-v1, horsegraph/hay-dev]



  1. Sourcegraph version 5.0+

  2. Go to Site Admin > Migrations page. There is a migration called Migrate data from user_permissions table to unified user_repo_permissions.. Make sure that it finished migrating all the data (it reports as 100%). Contact support if the migration does not seem to complete for a long time (multiple days).

  3. (Not required for Sourcegraph 5.1+) Enable the experimental feature in the site configuration:

  "experimentalFeatures": {
    "unifiedPermissions": "enabled"
  // ...
  1. Continue configuring the explicit permissions API as you would before.

Permission updates

Each permission mechanism is going to update only its own data. This means, that permission syncing is not going to touch permissions created by explicit permissions API and vice versa. We consider webhooks permissions as part of the permission syncing mechanism as well, since it is using the same underlying database operations.

What the above paragraph means is, that when an updated set of accessible repositories for a user is given via permission sync, it will replace the existing set of synced permissions for that user, but not the explicit permissions.


Let's follow the example from above, alice has existing synced permissions to repositories horsegraph/global and horsegraph/hay-v1 and explicit permissions to horsegraph/hay-dev, meaning a unioned set of effective permissions of [horsegraph/global, horsegraph-hay-v1, horsegraph/hay-dev].

An update comes in from permission sync, now returning alice permissions as [horsegraph/global, horsegraph/hay-v2]. Notice the removal of horsegraph-v1 from the set.

After the update, the synced permissions of alice will be [horsegraph/global, horsegraph/hay-v2], but explicit permissions were not touched, leading to effective permissions of [horsegraph/global, horsegraph-hay-v2, horsegraph/hay-dev]