Deploying Sourcegraph executors using Docker Compose

A docker-compose file is provided to deploy executors standlone, or alongside your existing Sourcegraph deployment.


Privileged containers are required to run executors in docker-compose. This is because executors require access to the docker daemon running on the host.



  • Install Docker Compose on the server
  • Minimum Docker v20.10.0 and Docker Compose v1.29.0
  • Docker Swarm mode is not supported
  • Clone the deploy-sourcegraph-docker
  • Edit the deploy-sourcegraph-docker/docker-compose/executors/executor.docker-compose.yaml and update the environment variables
  • Follow the instructions in the for more specific deployment instructions.


Executors deployed via docker-compose do not use Firecracker, meaning they require privileged access to the docker daemon running on the host.

If you have security concerns, consider deploying via terraform or installing the binary directly.