
Campaigns let you make large-scale code changes across many repositories.

About campaigns

A campaign streamlines the creation and tracking of pull requests across many repositories and code hosts. After you create a campaign, you tell it what changes to make (by providing a list of repositories and a script to run in each). The campaign lets you create pull requests on all affected repositories, and it tracks their progress until they're all merged. You can preview the changes and update them at any time.

People usually use campaigns to make the following kinds of changes:

  • Cleaning up common problems using linters
  • Updating uses of deprecated library APIs
  • Upgrading dependencies
  • Patching critical security issues
  • Standardizing build, configuration, and deployment files

For step-by-step instructions to create your first campaign, see Hello World Campaign in Sourcegraph Guides.

Supported code hosts and changeset types

The generic term changeset is used to refer to any of the following:

  • GitHub pull requests
  • Bitbucket Server pull requests
  • Bitbucket Cloud pull requests (not yet supported)
  • GitLab merge requests (not yet supported)
  • Phabricator diffs (not yet supported)
  • Gerrit changes (not yet supported)

A single campaign can span many repositories and many code hosts.

Viewing campaigns

You can view a list of all campaigns by clicking the Campaigns icon campaigns icon in the top navigation bar.

Use the filters to switch between showing all campaigns, open campaigns, or closed campaigns.

If you lack read access to a repository in a campaign, you can only see limited information about the changes to that repository (and not the repository name, file paths, or diff).

Campaign specs

You can create or update a campaign from a campaign spec, which is a YAML file that defines a campaign.

See the "Creating a campaign" section for an example campaign spec YAML file.

For more information, see:

Creating a campaign

Creating your first campaign? See Hello World Campaign in Sourcegraph Guides for step-by-step instructions.

You can create a campaign from a campaign spec, which is a YAML file that describes your campaign.

The following example campaign spec adds "Hello World" to all files:

name: hello-world
description: Add Hello World to READMEs

# Find all repositories that contain a file.
  - repositoriesMatchingQuery:

# In each repository, run this command. Each repository's resulting diff is captured.
  - run: echo Hello World | tee -a $(find -name
    container: alpine:3

# Describe the changeset (e.g., GitHub pull request) you want for each repository.
  title: Hello World
  body: My first campaign!
  branch: hello-world # Push the commit to this branch.
    message: Append Hello World to all files
  published: false
  1. Create a campaign from the campaign spec:

    src campaign apply -f YOUR_CAMPAIGN_SPEC.campaign.yaml -preview

    Don't worry! Before any branches are pushed or changesets (e.g., GitHub pull requests) are created, you will see a preview of all changes and can confirm each one before it's published.

  2. Wait for it to run and compute the changes for each repository (using the repositories and commands in the campaign spec).

  3. Open the preview URL that the command printed out.

  4. Examine the preview. Confirm that the changes are what you intended. (If not, edit the campaign spec and then rerun the command above.)

  5. Click the Create campaign button. TODO(sqs)

  6. Click the Campaigns icon campaigns icon in the top navigation bar.

  7. In the list of campaigns, click the campaign where you'd like to apply the template.

  8. In the campaign, click the Update template button.

  9. In your terminal, run the command shown. The command will execute your campaign template to generate changes and then upload them to the campaign for you to preview and accept.

    You need Sourcegraph CLI (src) for this step. For reference, the command shown by the campaign is the following (with CAMPAIGN-ID filled in):

    src campaign apply -template=MY-TEMPLATE.campaign.yml -preview -campaign=CAMPAIGN-ID
  10. Open the preview URL that the command printed out.

  11. Examine the preview. Confirm that the changes are what you intended. (If not, edit your campaign template and then rerun the command above.)

  12. Click the Update campaign button.

After you've applied a campaign template, you can publish changesets to the code host when you're ready. This will turn the patches into commits, branches, and changesets (such as GitHub pull requests) for others to review and merge.

You can share the link to your campaign with other people if you want their help. Any person on your Sourcegraph instance can view it in the campaigns list.

If a person viewing the campaign lacks read access to a repository in the campaign, they can only see limited information about the changes to that repository (and not the repository name, file paths, or diff).

You can update a campaign's changes at any time, even after you've published changesets. For more information, see "Updating a campaign".

Example campaigns

The example campaigns show how to use campaigns to make useful, real-world changes:

Creating an empty campaign on the web

  1. Click the Campaigns icon campaigns icon in the top navigation bar.
  2. Click the + New campaign button.
  3. Type a name for your campaign.
  4. Type an optional description.
  5. Click the Create campaign button.

You've created a new campaign, but it's empty (it has no changesets). Next, you can:

Publishing changesets to the code host

After you've added patches, you can see a preview of the changesets (e.g., GitHub pull requests) that will be created from the patches. Publishing the changesets will, for each repository:

  • Create a commit with the changes (from the patches for that repository)
  • Push a branch (using the branch name you chose when creating the campaign)
  • Create a changeset (e.g., GitHub pull request) on the code host for review and merging

When you're ready, you can publish all of a campaign's changesets, or just an individual changeset.

  1. Click the Campaigns icon campaigns icon in the top navigation bar.
  2. In the list of campaigns, click the campaign that has changesets you'd like to publish.
  3. Click the Publish button next to a preview changeset to publish it.
  4. To publish all changesets (that have not already been published), click the Publish all button. If all changesets are already published, this button is not shown.

You'll see a progress indicator when changesets are being published. Any errors will be shown, and you can retry publishing after you've resolved the problem. You don't need to worry about it creating multiple branches or pull requests when you retry, because it uses the same branch name.

To publish a changeset, you need admin access to the campaign and write access to the changeset's repository (on the code host). For more information, see "Code host interactions in campaigns". Forking the repository is not yet supported.

Tracking campaign progress and changeset statuses

A campaign tracks all of its changesets for updates to:

  • Status: open, merged, or closed
  • Checks: passed (green), failed (red), or pending (yellow)
  • Review status: approved, changes requested, pending, or other statuses (depending on your code host or code review tool)

You can see the overall trend of a campaign in the burndown chart, which shows the proportion of changesets that have been merged over time since the campaign was created.

TODO(sqs) screenshot

In the list of changesets, you can see the detailed status for each changeset.

TODO(sqs) screenshot

If you lack read access to a repository, you can only see limited information about the changes to that repository (and not the repository name, file paths, or diff).

Updating a campaign

You can edit a campaign's name and description, and apply a new campaign template, at any time.

To update a campaign, you need admin access to the campaign, and write access to all affected repositories with published changesets.

Editing the campaign's name and description

  1. Click the Campaigns icon campaigns icon in the top navigation bar.
  2. In the list of campaigns, click the campaign that you want to edit.
  3. Click the Edit button.
  4. Type a new name and/or description.
  5. Click the Update campaign button.

Changes to the campaign's name and description do not automatically propagate to all of the campaign's changesets. You need to re-apply the campaign template to propagate these changes.

Applying a new campaign template to update changesets

  1. Click the Campaigns icon campaigns icon in the top navigation bar.

  2. In the list of campaigns, click the campaign that you want to update.

  3. In the campaign, click the *Update template button.

  4. In your terminal, run the command shown. The command will execute your campaign template to generate changes and then upload them to the campaign for you to preview and accept.

    You need Sourcegraph CLI (src) for this step. For reference, the command shown by the campaign is the following (with CAMPAIGN-ID filled in):

    src campaign apply -template=MY-TEMPLATE.campaign.yml -preview -campaign=CAMPAIGN-ID
  5. Open the preview URL that the command printed out.

  6. Examine the preview. Confirm that the changes are what you intended. (If not, edit your campaign template and then rerun the command above.)

  7. Click the Update campaign button.

All of the changesets on your code host will be updated to the desired state that was shown in the preview.

Tracking existing changesets

  1. Click the Campaigns icon campaigns icon in the top navigation bar.

  2. To use an existing campaign: In the list of campaigns, click the campaign where you'd like to track existing changesets.

    To create a new campaign: Click the + New campaign button. For more information, see "Creating a new campaign".

  3. Click the Track existing changeset button in the top right of the Changesets list.

  4. Type in the name of the changeset's repository.

    This is the repository's name on Sourcegraph. If you can visit the repository at, the name is foo/bar. Depending on the configuration, it may or may not begin with a hostname (such as

  5. Type in the changeset number (e.g., the GitHub pull request number).

  6. Click Add.

You'll see the existing changeset in the list. The campaign will track the changeset's status and include it in the overall campaign progress (in the same way as if it had been created by the campaign). For more information, see "Tracking campaign progress and changeset statuses".

Closing or deleting a campaign

You can close a campaign when you don't need it anymore, when all changes have been merged, or when you decided not to proceed with making all of the changes. A closed campaign still appears in the campaigns list. To completely remove it, you can delete the campaign.

Any person with admin access to the campaign can close or delete it.

  1. Click the Campaigns icon campaigns icon in the top navigation bar.
  2. In the list of campaigns, click the campaign that you'd like to close or delete.
  3. In the top right, click the Close.
  4. Select whether you want to close all of the campaign's changesets (e.g., closing all associated GitHub pull requests on the code host).
  5. Click TODO(sqs) .

Managing access to campaigns

See "Managing access to campaigns".

Code host and repository permissions in campaigns

All actions on the code host (such as pushing a branch or opening a changeset) are performed by your individual user account, not by a bot user. For more information, see "Code host interactions in campaigns".

Repository permissions are enforced when campaigns display information. For more information, see "Repository permissions in campaigns".

Site admin configuration for campaigns

Using campaigns requires a code host connection to a supported code host (currently GitHub and Bitbucket Server).

Site admins can also:


  • A campaign is group of related changes to code, along with a title and description.
  • The campaign has associated changesets, which is a generic term for pull requests, merge requests, or any other reviewable chunk of code. (Code hosts use different terms for this, which is why we chose a generic term.)
  • A published changeset means the commit, branch, and changeset have been created on the code host. An unpublished changeset is just a preview that you can view in the campaign but does not exist on the code host yet.
  • A spec (campaign spec or changeset spec) is a "record of intent". When you provide a spec for a thing, the system will continuously try to reconcile the actual thing with your desired intent (as described by the spec). This involves creating, updating, and deleting things as needed.
  • A campaign spec is a YAML file describing the campaign: repositories to change, commands to run, and a template for changesets and commits. You describe your high-level intent in the campaign spec, such as "lint files in all repositories with a package.json file".
  • A campaign has many changeset specs, which are produced by executing the campaign spec (i.e., running the commands on each selected repository) and then using its changeset template to produce a list of changesets, including the diffs, commit messages, changeset title, and changeset body. You don't need to view or edit the raw changeset specs; you will edit the campaign spec and view the changesets in the UI.
  • The campaign controller reconciles the actual state of the campaign's changesets on the code host so that they match your desired intent (as described in the changeset specs).

To learn about the internals of campaigns, see "Campaigns" in the developer documentation.


Known issues

  • The only supported code hosts are GitHub and Bitbucket Server. Support for all other code hosts is planned.
  • It is not yet possible for a campaign to have multiple changesets in a single repository (e.g., to make changes to multiple subtrees in a monorepo).
  • Forking a repository and creating a pull request on the fork is not yet supported. Because of this limitation, you need write access to each repository that your campaign will change (in order to push a branch to it).
  • Campaign steps are run locally (in the Sourcegraph CLI). Sourcegraph does not yet support executing campaign steps (which can be arbitrary commands) on the server. For this reason, the APIs for creating and updating a campaign require you to upload all of the changeset specs (which are produced by executing the campaign spec locally).