Provisioning a Kubernetes cluster

Security note: If you intend to set this up as a production instance, we recommend you create the cluster in a VPC or other secure network that restricts unauthenticated access from the public Internet. You can later expose the necessary ports via an Internet Gateway or equivalent mechanism. Take care to secure your cluster in a manner that meets your organization's security requirements.

Follow the instructions linked in the table below to provision a Kubernetes cluster for the infrastructure provider of your choice, using the recommended node and list types in the table.

Note: Sourcegraph can run on any Kubernetes cluster, so if your infrastructure provider is not listed, see the "Other" row. Pull requests to add rows for more infrastructure providers are welcome!

Provider Node type Boot/ephemeral disk size
Compute nodes
Amazon EKS (better than plain EC2) m5.4xlarge N/A
AWS EC2 m5.4xlarge N/A
Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) n1-standard-16 100 GB (default)
Azure D16 v3 100 GB (SSD preferred)
Other 16 vCPU, 60 GiB memory per node 100 GB (SSD preferred)