
Settings provide the ability to customize and control the Sourcegraph UI and user-specific features. They do not configure operational aspects of the instance (which are set in the site configuration).

Settings can be set at the global level (by site admins), the organization level (by organization members), and at the individual user level.

Non-sighted users can view a text-representation of this diagram.

Editing global settings (for site admins)

Global settings are found in Site admin > Global settings while links to organization and user settings are found in the user dropdown menu.


Settings options and their default values are shown below.

Sourcegraph extensions can also define new settings properties. Check the documentation of an extension to see what settings it defines, or consult the contributes.configuration object in the extension's package.json (e.g., for the Codecov extension).


	// Disables observability-related site alert banners.
	"alerts.hideObservabilitySiteAlerts": true,

	// Whether to show alerts for patch version updates. Alerts for major and minor version updates will always be shown.
	"alerts.showPatchUpdates": true,

	// Whether to use the code host's native hover tooltips when they exist (GitHub's jump-to-definition tooltips, for example).
	"codeHost.useNativeTooltips": false,

	// The Sourcegraph extensions to use. Enable an extension by adding a property `"my/extension": true` (where `my/extension` is the extension ID). Override a previously enabled extension and disable it by setting its value to `false`.
	"extensions": null,

	// DEPRECATED: Use `notices` instead.
	// An array (often with just one element) of messages to display at the top of all pages, including for unauthenticated users. Users may dismiss a message (and any message with the same string value will remain dismissed for the user).
	// Markdown formatting is supported.
	// Usually this setting is used in global and organization settings. If set in user settings, the message will only be displayed to that user. (This is useful for testing the correctness of the message's Markdown formatting.)
	// MOTD stands for "message of the day" (which is the conventional Unix name for this type of message).
	"motd": null,

	// Custom informational messages to display to users at specific locations in the Sourcegraph user interface.
	// Usually this setting is used in global and organization settings. If set in user settings, the message will only be displayed to that single user.
	"notices": null,

	// Links that should be accessible quickly from the home and search pages.
	"quicklinks": null,

	// The default number of lines to show as context below and above search results. Default is 1.
	"search.contextLines": 1,

	// The default pattern type (literal or regexp) that search queries will be intepreted as.
	"search.defaultPatternType": null,

	// Whether searches should include searching archived repositories.
	"search.includeArchived": false,

	// Whether searches should include searching forked repositories.
	"search.includeForks": false,

	// Named groups of repositories that can be referenced in a search query using the repogroup: operator.
	"search.repositoryGroups": null,

	// DEPRECATED: Saved search queries
	"search.savedQueries": null,

	// Predefined search scopes
	"search.scopes": null,

	// When active, any uppercase characters in the pattern will make the entire query case-sensitive.
	"search.uppercase": false,

// Experimental

	// Experimental features to enable or disable. Features that are now enabled by default are marked as deprecated.
	"experimentalFeatures": null