Structural search

Structural search lets you match richer syntax patterns specifically in code and structured data formats like JSON. It can be awkward or difficult to match code blocks or nested expressions with regular expressions. To meet this challenge we've introduced a new and easier way to search code that operates more closely on a program's parse tree. We use Comby syntax for structural matching. Below you'll find examples and notes for this new search functionality.


The fmt.Sprintf function is a popular print function in Go. Here is a pattern that matches all the arguments in fmt.Sprintf calls in our code:


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The :[args] part is a hole with a descriptive name args that matches code. The important part is that this pattern understands that the parentheses ( ) are balanced, and avoids character escaping and lookahead assertions that come up in regular expressions. Let's look at two interesting variants of matches in our codebase. Here is the first:

fmt.Sprintf("must be authenticated as an admin (%s)", isSiteAdminErr.Error())

Note that to match this code we didn't have to do any special thinking about handling the parentheses (%s) that happen inside the first string argument, or the nested parentheses that form part of Error(). Taking care to match the closing parentheses for the call could, in general, really complicate regular expressions.

Here is a second match:


In this case, we didn't have to do any special thinking about handling multiple lines. The hole :[args] by default matches across newlines, but it stops inside balanced parentheses. This lets us match large, logical blocks or expressions without the limitations of typical line-based regular expression patterns. For more examples, see below. Next, we cover a reference notes to consider when using structural search.

Current functionality and restrictions

Structural search behaves differently to plain text search in key ways. We are continually improving functionality of this new feature, so please note the following:

  • Only indexed repos. Structural search can currently only be performed on indexed repositories. See configuration for more details if you host your own Sourcegraph installation. Our service hosted at indexes approximately 10,000 of the most popular repositories on GitHub. Other repositories are currently unsupported.

  • Enclose patterns with quotes. When entering the pattern in the browser search bar or src-cli command line, always enclose the pattern with quotes: 'fmt.Sprintf(:[args])'. Quotes that are part of the pattern can be escaped with \.

  • The lang keyword is semantically significant. Adding the lang keyword informs the parser about language-specific syntax for comments, strings, and code. This makes structural search more accurate for that language. For example, patterntype:structural 'fmt.Sprintf(:[args])' lang:go. If lang is omitted, we perform a best-effort to infer the language based on matching file extensions, or fall back to a generic structural matcher.

  • Saved search are not supported. It is not currently possible to save structural searches.

  • Matching blocks in indentation-sensitive languages. It's not currently possible to match blocks of code that are identation-sensitive. This is a feature planned for future work.

Syntax reference

Here is a summary of syntax for structural matching, which is based on Comby syntax.

  • :[hole] matches zero or more characters (including whitespace, and across newlines) in a lazy fashion. When :[hole] is used inside delimiters, as in {:[h1], :[h2]} or (:[h]), those delimiters set a boundary for what the hole can match, and the hole will then only match patterns within those delimiters. Holes can be used outside of delimiters as well.

  • :[[hole]] matches one or more alphanumeric characters and _.

  • :[hole.] (with a period at the end) matches one or more alphanumeric characters and punctuation (like ., ;, and -).

  • :[hole\n] (with a \n at the end) matches one or more characters up to a newline, including the newline.

  • :[ ] (with a space) matches only whitespace characters, excluding newlines. To assign the matched whitespace to variable, put the variable name after the space, like :[ hole].

Rules Comby supports rules to express equality constraints or pattern-based matching. Comby rules are not officially supported in Sourcegraph yet. We are in the process of making that happen and are taking care to address stable performance and usability. That said, you can explore rule functionality with an experimental rule: parameter. For example, "buildSearchURLQuery(:[arg], :[_])" rule:'where :[arg] == "navbarQuery"'.


Here are some more examples. Also see our blog post for further examples.

Match stringy data

Taking our original example, let's modify the original pattern slightly to match only if the first (and only) argument is a string. We do this by adding string quotes. Adding quotes communicates structural context and changes how the hole behaves: it will match the contents of a single string delimited ". It won't match multiple strings like "foo", "bar".


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We've matched some interesting examples, like:

q.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("nodes{ ... pr }\n"))

In fact, a single string is passed to fmt.Sprintf here without any format specifiers, so this fmt.Sprintf call is unnecessary. We could just write q.WriteString("nodes{ ... pr }\n"). Looks like we have some cleaning up to do.

Match function arguments contextually

If we wanted to instead match on the first argument of fmt.Sprintf calls with more than one argument, we could write:

fmt.Sprint(:[first], :[rest])

This pattern matches all of the code leading up to the comma , in :[first]. All of the rest of the arguments match to :[rest]. Holes stop matching based on the first fragment of syntax that comes after it, similar to lazy regular expression matching. So, we could write:

fmt.Sprintf(:[first], :[second], :[rest])

to match all functions with three or more arguments, matching the the first and second arguments based on the contextual position around the commas.

Match equivalent expressions

Using the same identifier in multiple holes adds a constraint that both of the matched values must be syntactically equal. So, the pattern:

return :[v.], :[v.]

will match code where a pair of identifier-like syntax in the return statement are the same. For example, return true, true, return nil, nil, or return 0, 0.

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Match JSON

Structural search also works on structured data, like JSON. Patterns can declaratively describe pieces of data to match. For example the pattern:

"exclude": [:[items]]

matches all parts of a JSON document that have a member "exclude", where the value is a list of items.

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Indexed repositories. Structural search only works for indexed repositories. To see whether a repository on your instance is indexed, visit https://<sourcegraph-host>.com/repo-org/repo-name/-/settings/index.

Disabling structural search. Disable structural search on your instace by adding the following to the site configuration:

  "experimentalFeatures": {
      "structuralSearch": "disabled"