Sourcegraph documentation

Sourcegraph is a web-based, self-hosted code search and navigation tool for developers, used by Uber, Lyft, Yelp, and more.

Quickstart guide

It takes less than 5 minutes to run and install Sourcegraph using Docker:

docker run --publish 7080:7080 --publish --rm --volume ~/.sourcegraph/config:/etc/sourcegraph --volume ~/.sourcegraph/data:/var/opt/sourcegraph sourcegraph/server:3.12.7

Once the server is ready (logo is displayed in the terminal), navigate to the hostname or IP address on port 7080. Create the admin account, then you'll be guided through setting up Sourcegraph for code searching and navigation.

For next steps and further configuration options, visit the site administration documentation.

Failed to setup nginx:failed to generate nginx configuration to /etc/sourcegraph: open /etc/sourcegraph/nginx.conf: permission denied.

To fix this, run:

mkdir -p ~/.sourcegraph/config ~/.sourcegraph/data && chcon -R -t svirt_sandbox_file_t ~/.sourcegraph/config ~/.sourcegraph/data

Upgrading Sourcegraph

All you need to do to upgrade Sourcegraph is to restart your Docker server with a new image tag.

We actively maintain the two most recent monthly releases of Sourcegraph.

Upgrades should happen across consecutive minor versions of Sourcegraph. For example, if you are running Sourcegraph 3.1 and want to upgrade to 3.3, you should upgrade to 3.2 and then 3.3.

The Docker server image tags follow SemVer semantics, so version 3.8 can be found at sourcegraph/server:3.12.7. You can see the full list of tags on our Docker Hub page.


Sourcegraph development is open source at Need help? Use the issue tracker.

Core documentation

Features and tutorials

Sourcegraph subscriptions

You can use Sourcegraph in 2 ways:

For self-hosted Sourcegraph instances, you run a Docker image or Kubernetes cluster on-premises or on your preferred cloud provider. There are 2 tiers: Core (free) and Enterprise. Enterprise features require a Sourcegraph subscription.