Sourcegraph Architecture Overview

This is a high level overview of Sourcegraph's architecture so you can understand how our systems fit together. You can click on each component to jump to its respective code repository or subtree.

To re-generate this diagram from the file with Graphviz, run: dot -Tsvg -o architecture.svg


We maintain multiple Sourcegraph clients:

These clients generally communicate with a Sourcegraph instance (either or a private customer instance) through our GraphQL API. There are also a small number of REST endpoints for specific use-cases.


Our backend is composed of multiple services:

  • Most are Go services found in the cmd folder.
  • Syntect server is our syntax highlighting service written in Rust. It is not horizontally scalable so only 1 replica is supported.
  • LSIF server provide precise code intelligence based on the LSIF data format. It is written in TypeScript.
  • zoekt-indexserver and zoekt-webserver provide indexed search. It is written in Go.



Here are some guides to help you understand how multiple systems fit together:

  • Life of a search query
  • Search pagination
  • Future topics we will cover here:
    • Life of a repository (i.e. how does code end up on gitserver?)
    • Sourcegraph extension architecture
    • Web app and browser extension architecture