Install Sourcegraph with Docker on AWS

This tutorial shows you how to deploy Sourcegraph to a single node running on AWS.

If you're just starting out, we recommend installing Sourcegraph locally. It takes only a few minutes and lets you try out all of the features. If you need scalability and high-availability beyond what a single-server deployment can offer, use the Kubernetes cluster deployment option.

Deploy to EC2

Option A: use the AWS wizard

  • Click Launch Instance from your EC2 dashboard.

  • Select the Amazon Linux 2 AMI (ami-032509850cf9ee54e at this time of writing).

  • Select an appropriate instance size (we recommend t2.medium/large, depending on team size and number of repositories/languages enabled), then Next: Configure Instance Details

  • Add the following user data (as text) in the Advanced Details section:

    repo_update: true
    repo_upgrade: all
    # Create the directory structure for Sourcegraph data
    - mkdir -p /home/ec2-user/.sourcegraph/config
    - mkdir -p /home/ec2-user/.sourcegraph/data
    # Install, configure, and enable Docker
    - yum update -y
    - amazon-linux-extras install docker
    - systemctl enable --now --no-block docker
    - sed -i -e 's/1024/10240/g' /etc/sysconfig/docker
    - sed -i -e 's/4096/40960/g' /etc/sysconfig/docker
    - usermod -a -G docker ec2-user
    # Install and run Sourcegraph. Restart the container upon subsequent reboots
    - [ sh, -c, 'docker run -d --publish 80:7080 --publish 443:7080 --publish 2633:2633 --restart unless-stopped --volume /home/ec2-user/.sourcegraph/config:/etc/sourcegraph --volume /home/ec2-user/.sourcegraph/data:/var/opt/sourcegraph sourcegraph/server:3.10.1' ]
  • Select Next: ... until you get to the Configure Security Group page, then add the default HTTP rule (port range "80", source ", ::/0")

  • Launch your instance, then navigate to the its public URL.

  • If you have configured a DNS entry for the IP, configure externalURL to reflect that. (Note: externalURL was called appURL in Sourcegraph 2.13 and earlier.)

Option B: use the CLI

Use the aws CLI to boot an EC2 instance running Sourcegraph.

First, create a cloud-init.txt file with user data contents as shown above or below. Then run:

aws ec2 run-instances --image-id ami-032509850cf9ee54e --count 1 --instance-type t2.medium --key-name id_rsa --security-groups default --user-data file://cloud-init.txt

Substitute the path to your cloud-init.txt file, the name of your key pair, and an appropriate security group. To start you probably want a security group which exposes port 80, 443, 2633 (for the management console), and 22 (for SSH) to the public internet.

Update your Sourcegraph version

To update to the most recent version of Sourcegraph (X.Y.Z), SSH into your instance and run the following:

docker ps # get the $CONTAINER_ID of the running sourcegraph/server container
docker rm -f $CONTAINER_ID
docker run docker run -d --publish 80:7080 --publish 443:7080 --publish 2633:2633 --restart unless-stopped --volume /home/ec2-user/.sourcegraph/config:/etc/sourcegraph --volume /home/ec2-user/.sourcegraph/data:/var/opt/sourcegraph sourcegraph/server:X.Y.Z

Using an external database for persistence

The Docker container has its own internal PostgreSQL and Redis databases. To preserve this data when you kill and recreate the container, you can use external databases for persistence, such as AWS RDS for PostgreSQL and Amazon ElastiCache.